That was a little over the top, but nice try. - Well, thanks. - For what?
The Ugly Truth
Okay, I have a visual. Nod if you can hear me.
The Ugly Truth
I'm so sorry. - Oh, God. I'm so, so sorry. - No, it's okay. You know, I can get this out. I'm sure I can. - What fabric is this? - I don't know. Cotton? Cotton. Cotton's the worst. Well, actually, leather's the worst. - After that would be suede. - Okay. - I think I can get it out. - Abby.
The Ugly Truth
That definitely made up for my wet crotch. Me too. No, scratch that. I didn't have one. Yeah.
The Ugly Truth
- Who? - That girl, right there. I was trying to get us a couple hot dogs. - Two. Thank you. - Okay.
The Ugly Truth
No, stop. Listen. Tell him you saw him looking at another girl. I saw you... I saw you looking at another girl.
The Ugly Truth
Make sure you put the hot dog in your mouth nice and slowly.
The Ugly Truth
Tracy McIvor asked me to the Sadie Hawkins dance.
The Ugly Truth
Is it dorky if I say yes?
The Ugly Truth
Excuse me.
The Ugly Truth
Your bean. Flick it. Down there. Gross! That's what you call it? What is wrong with you? No, well, actually, I call it masturbating... ...but I thought that might offend your delicate ladylike sensibilities.
The Ugly Truth
Well, you better start. Because if you don't wanna have sex with you, why the hell would Colin?