You do not want to hear that woman doing it with my dad. Whew. What an odd thing to say. True. If a Legacy wants to audition, we have to let her. Okay, um...
Pitch Perfect 2
Nah! It's not you, it's a tech thing. So just you go ahead and take five. It better be a tech thing, 'cause the way I sound in my eardrums, this is immaculate, man.
Pitch Perfect 2
I... Emily... Okay. "Promise to uphold the ideals of a Bella woman forever." Promise to uphold the ideals of a Bella woman forever. And that's it. That's the end of the speech. Nothing weird happens after that. These are for you. Don't go in the basement, it's haunted.
Pitch Perfect 2
Well, all right.
Pitch Perfect 2
It's a tiki party. You guys don't even have to wear shoes. It's the best kind of party.
Pitch Perfect 2
What if we got those dogs that bark Jingle Bells to back him up? And let me, let me, let me guess, let me guess. You want those dogs to back him up because he's "Snoop Dogg"? Yeah! That is a really great example of a horrible idea.
Pitch Perfect 2
Thank you! Thank you, thank you. We are the Treblemakers. I'm Jesse, and this is a cappella.
Pitch Perfect 2
There is so much happening on stage, I don't even know where to look. Back in my day, we put on our blazers and we just sang. We maybe snapped our fingers if we were feeling frisky.
Pitch Perfect 2
Nope. No, I'm not. Bumper! Come on, you can't be serious.
Pitch Perfect 2
This is not all your fault. This is on all of us. So, if we don't win the Worlds, then what are we? Just a bunch of girls that hang out? What's wrong with that? If we don't win, the Bellas are over. This is the biggest challenge that any of us have ever faced. When I was nine years old, my brother tried to sell me for a chicken, so... Well, I will do whoever it takes in order for us to get back to the top. You mean "whatever" it takes. Yeah, I'll do that, too.
Pitch Perfect 2
I'm Emily Junk. I know, it's weird. It's my mom's last name. My dad's last name is Hardon, so...
Pitch Perfect 2
That's "value added." Okay? If you have any demos you'd like me to listen to, I'll make the time.
Pitch Perfect 2
And the pride of Wisconsin, the Green Bay Packers!
Pitch Perfect 2
What? Take a lap. But I'm wearing skinny jeans. I don't care. Go. Go. Let's go. I wanna see knees up.