Found 653 results
The mission report?
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
Simon, do you know what this is?
Johnny English Reborn
Where are we on Vortex?
Johnny English Reborn
And bring two spoons. (BOTH CHUCKLING)
Johnny English Reborn
AGENT 2: Five years ago, he was our top agent. AGENT 1: Yeah. Took his eye off the ball in Mozambique.
Johnny English Reborn
WANG: You are not young. But with age comes wisdom.
Johnny English Reborn
- Sir. - Tucker, can'! this wait? Sir, it's Ambrose.
Johnny English Reborn
WANG: You came here to forget your life of shame.
Johnny English Reborn
Simon. Leave it.
Johnny English Reborn
Yes? Yes?
Johnny English Reborn
Now, Johnny, just because he ruined your life, that's no reason for you to go rogue and take him down on your own.
Johnny English Reborn
Some sort of key? Karlenko and Fisher both had one, and they were both killed for them.
Johnny English Reborn
Strong mind can separate the body from its suffering.
Johnny English Reborn
It's extraordinary, Simon...
Johnny English Reborn
AGENT 1: Johnny English.
Johnny English Reborn