This is Mrs. Chastity Bjornsen... ...and if that is one more sociopathic "special employee" of my husband... ...I will thank you to stop harassing him on his day off. It's Sportello. Oh, Sportello. Doc Sportello? The Doc Sportello? So we meet at last. Mr. Moral Fucking Turpitude himself! Have you any idea of the therapist bills around here... ...for which you are directly responsible? - The department picks up a little. - Oh, the department? Yeah, after a deductible that would choke a fucking horse.
Inherent Vice
Suppose it didn't have to be in the form of money.
Inherent Vice
...doing fine, if that's what you mean.
Inherent Vice
Go away, little hippie.
Inherent Vice
They'd all be drinking...
Inherent Vice
Inherent Vice
Inherent Vice
Inherent Vice
[FIST POUNDS] This wouldn't be just more of your paranoid hippie bullshit, would it? Look, have the lab check for traces of copper. Not the kind that goes stumbling all over the crime scene contaminating evidence. More like copper the metal. You see, gold teeth are never made with pure gold. Dentists like to alloy it with copper. If you hadn't ditched forensics class to go steal hubcaps to plant on some innocent hippie... might have known that.
Inherent Vice
Right. Can I be frank a minute? FLATWEED: Why stop now? BORDERLINE: Please. All right. You be Dino. You be the other guy. And tell Penny Davis, Jr. What a lovely day we had. Thank you. As a COINTELPRO informant, you could be making up to $300 a month, Larry. Just consider that. U.S. dollars? And we'll throw in a Book of Mormon. Free.
Inherent Vice
Maybe you've thought of putting that forward as a cover story for whatever did happen. Do you realize how thoroughly we can fuck your life up?
Inherent Vice
Your friend in the, uh, construction business? Oh, that's all over. He's back with Sloane and the kids. And so what? Mm-hm.
Inherent Vice
And Coy's dealer, El Drano... ...also happened to be Prussia's steady customer.
Inherent Vice
What's gonna nag at me in the middle of the night?