- Hello? - Yes, honey. Make it quick. I got a live one tonight, and I totally fucked up my face. DOC: Aw. Oh, okay. Mickey Wolfmann, what can you tell me? Powerhouse in L.A. real estate. From the desert to the sea. Technically Jewish, but wants to be a Nazi. What's he to you? DOC: Possible case. Let's say I wanted to hang out and rap with this Wolfmann.
Inherent Vice
What else?
Inherent Vice
Sure I did. No. You were always true.
Inherent Vice
- You never did let me down, Doc. - Don't worry. I'll... No, I mean, really. Ever.
Inherent Vice
SORTILÈGE: These were perilous times, astrologically speaking, for dopers... ...especially those of high school age. Who'd been born, most of them, under a 90-degree aspect... ...the unluckiest angle possible... ...between Neptune, the doper's planet... ...and Uranus, the planet of rude surprises.
Inherent Vice
It isn't what you're thinking. Don't worry. Thinking comes later.
Inherent Vice
Luz! The midday refrescos now, if you wouldn't mind.
Inherent Vice
It sounds like they wanna commit him to a loony bin.
Inherent Vice
Inherent Vice
Interesting sum. Why would this big deposit just suddenly appear in my account? I went to the bank. I talked to the bank manager. He kept saying: “You just lost your deposit slip." “You just lost your deposit slip." And I don't lose deposit slips this big.
Inherent Vice
Do you have a picture of Coy I could borrow? That, I do have.