Happy birthday, it's your best friend Din! No, that's too strong.
Wish Dragon
You know what? This one's on me, okay? I really gotta run, so… Thanks for the teapot and have a nice day. Wait. Hot sauce! Huh? [mysterious music plays] Whoa.
Wish Dragon
-I'll do your homework for a week. -Fine. Thanks. You're the best. [Din yelps] -[car horns honking] -So smart and yet so stupid.
Wish Dragon
Oh. Well, uh, I'll just… [grunts] …go around. Did you order the dumpling soup? [trilling pipa] I am a god.
Wish Dragon
-Don't you have somewhere to be? -Huh? Wait, five o'clock? How have I been here for an hour? I gotta go!
Wish Dragon
-This is getting juicy. -What did he say? I can't hear. You're not helping!