With my last breath, I cursed all who had forgotten me.
Wish Dragon
Are you sure? Am I sure? You've been telling me to make this wish since we met. Well, you were right. Okay? I was wrong. There you go, that's my wish. Just grant it, and you can go back to your spirit world and your stupid parade in the sky.
Wish Dragon
Yes. And he's the one who took you to the Pearl Tower. Yes, and I know what you'll say. You'll tell me to stay away and to leave that old world behind, but the truth is, I think we might be happier if-- Li Na, everything's going to be all right. I'm gonna go talk with Din. -What? -Bring the van in two minutes. Dad, are you okay?
Wish Dragon
[emotional music swells]
Wish Dragon
What? [wind whistling] Din, I'll grant your wish.
Wish Dragon
Nothing, Mom.
Wish Dragon
Can I help you? Yes, I believe you can.
Wish Dragon
-Li Na. -No, no, no.
Wish Dragon
Stop! Stop! Stop right there.
Wish Dragon
-You're under arrest. -Hold on a minute, there. [grunting]