From the edge of his ledge, way up in the sky, the Grinch felt upset, though he wasn't sure why. It could've been Christmas, all that joy and the such, or some thoughts from his past that he just couldn't quite touch. But whatever it was, it made his heart moan. Though he was used to it now, this being alone. And now safe in his cave, and apart from the fray, he reminded himself... It is better this way.
The Grinch
What is that?! It's the most beautiful Christmas tree you've ever seen! Three times bigger? Th-Th-That's a hundred times bigger! Oh, you just wait till we light it tonight. It'll sparkle so bright, you'll be celebrating Christmas with the rest of us! Ho-ho!
The Grinch
All right, all right, I'm sorry. You're a good dog. But a bad drummer.
The Grinch
No, boys, don't pull the angel's wings off. She needs those.
The Grinch
Whoa! Whoa... Cindy-Lou! Don't worry, Mom.
The Grinch
Uh... it was me. I stole your Christmas. I stole it because... because I thought it would fix something that happened a long time ago. But it didn't. And I'm sorry.
3,000 feet up, up the side of Mount Crumpit, the Grinch rode with his load to the tip-top to dump it. Keep going. We're gonna make it.
The Grinch
What? Oh, no. Oh! Aah! No, no, no, no! Oh, no! Aah...!
The Grinch
No, don't worry. I got it.
The Grinch
Good-good night.
The Grinch
The Grinch
And loyal. Very loyal. In fact, I think you're the best dog a Grinch could hope for. And that is why... I'm promoting you. Max... you will guide my sleigh tonight.
The Grinch
Max! There you are. Check this out. Whoa! Ah. I've been making lots of cool... Whoa! ...stuff! Ooh, more coffee.
The Grinch
And down the Grinch came on his great fateful ride, toward the good homes of Who-ville and the Christmas inside.