♪ Uh! Bellbottoms! Uh! Yeah! ♪ Uh! ♪ Bellbottoms ♪ Bellbottoms, bellbottoms ♪ Bellbottoms ♪ Bellbottoms truly make me wanna dance ♪ I wanna dance ♪ Tell 'em! ♪ ♪ Sit back ♪ Just watch 'em She gotta have bell ♪ Bellbottoms ♪ She's gotta gun Way on the list ♪ Oh! ♪ Down on her hips, oh ♪ She's gotta ♪ She's gotta, she's gotta ♪ She's gotta Blues Explosion Oh! ♪ She's got 'em Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa!
♪ She can't afford no gun at all... Damn it! I had that G.I. Joe motherfucker dead to rights! God damn! New ride. Let's go.
Baby Driver
It's over, kid. I ain't open.
Baby Driver
No fucking way! Baby, you are a fucking jinx! Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!
Baby Driver
Your name? Well, you can get that for free.
Baby Driver
- Let's go! - Come on, Baby. We got to go, we got to go, we got to go! Drive the fucking car, retard! Baby, move! Put your fucking foot on the gas! Come on, come on, come on, come on! Go! You better move this car, I'm-a blow your fucking head off! Baby, move! Three! Move! - Two! - Move now! - One! - Now!
Baby Driver
You guys are perfect for each other.
Baby Driver
Baby? Ask somebody on the planet Earth. I will ask whoever the fuck I want.
Baby Driver
I want to, but I... I can't right now. You know, you... You don't have to worry about me. You can tell me anything. I'm not worried about you. I mean, I... You're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. And I just worry that I'm not good enough for you.
Baby Driver
Do not move! I'm sorry.
Baby Driver
♪ Tequila... ♪ Get us out of here, Baby. Let's move. Come on, let's go. Move.
Baby Driver
And I'm here for you when you're ready.
Baby Driver
Oh. ♪ Oh, oh, Debora ♪ Always look like a zeb-ora ♪ "A zeb-ora"? Like a zebra, I guess. Yeah. Well, I'm wearing black and white, so you can call me Deebra.
Baby Driver
Want some gum? Want some gum, Buddy? Yeah, I'll take some gum.