Teleplasty by which an ectoplasmic medium such as Dr. Krauss can control inanimate things organic mechanical dead or alive. Take it take it all in mein Junge.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Now stay down!
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Can I help you with something? No thank you. I'm just looking. You can't go in there! Sir why are you following me? I... I was just hoping to find an old map chart of Algiers. Why are you following me? I was not. Did my brother send you to steal the crown piece? Your brother? Oh you're sorely mistaken I assure you.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Do as you may demon. Release the yellow beast. Tear my eyes out. Rip my insides and my legs and my tongue but I will never open that door.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Think about it.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
I mean am I the only one that thinks this guy is full of... No no no no don't lean. Lot 336 the Schufftein glasses. Could it be? The three surviving pairs and we will use them to locate the troll market. Dr. Krauss what a coup. The Schufftein glasses. You're my hero. Hey. You Hellboy? Yeah. You're ugly man.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
You woke up the baby.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Let's go.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Hang on kid.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
It should be here someplace. The entrance should be here. I don't understand. Perhaps there's a mistake on the map.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Oh my God.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Hello old friend. I have brought you visitors.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Come on let's go you dirty old troll.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
It's the last one.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
This is worse than my room. Waiting for a report on that.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
You're a goddamn freak.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
The humans they will tire of you. They have already turned against you.