- Fine. What do I do? - Pick up and say, "Hey, Doug." - Why would I...? - Just do it.
The Ugly Truth
More on this when we come back. We'll hear from a zoo official forced to take... And we're back with The Ugly Truth, where we're gonna be talking about... ... what it is men and women really want in relationships. I've been looking through some books. Smart Women, Foolish Choices.
The Ugly Truth
- Hold that thought. - No, hey, you won't get in trouble. Down a bit. Down a bit.
The Ugly Truth
Well, I guess I'll get going, then. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
The Ugly Truth
Quite possibly the best I have ever tasted.
The Ugly Truth
Newsmen are not defined by the easy times... ...they're defined by the hard times. Can you imagine Ted Koppel or Tom Brokaw... ...working with their wives as co-anchors? No. Because they couldn't handle it.
The Ugly Truth
He delivers it.
The Ugly Truth
Dorky? Hell, no. Are you kidding? You're ahead of the game. Women are coming to you. You know how cool that is? Relish this moment, okay? Now get the hell out of here. I'll see you at 5. - Okay. - We'll celebrate. - Don't forget the pizza, King Kong. - Hey, have I ever?
The Ugly Truth
...flick the bean? - What bean?
The Ugly Truth
The Ugly Truth
Coming up, we're gonna visit the aquarium... ...and see how Penny the Porpoise is. Can she clear that 10-foot pole... ...with a ball on her nose? When we come back. When we come back.
The Ugly Truth
Hello. Can I get you something? - I'll have one of those, please. - A mojito. Sure. - Would you like anything else? - Yeah, some water. Okay, would you like still or sparkling? - Tap water's great. Thanks. - Tap. All right. What? What?
The Ugly Truth
- Hey, how convenient. - No, I... I thought it was you at the door. Well, I guess we're all interchangeable.
The Ugly Truth
Sounds like a great argument for evolution if you ask me. And that, my friends, is the ugly truth. And we're wrapped.