- You lose! Point Julie! - No. Look. [music continues]
Lady Bird
But you smoke. I smoke hand-rolled cigarettes. Never industrially produced. Never cloves. What's wrong with cloves? Can't inhale cloves. What's the point? Oh. You're not supposed to. Well, cloves were what I first smoked when I was young. So, you know, it's a force of habit. It has fiberglass. - Really? - Yeah. Rolling your own is best. Also, like... I'm trying as much as possible not participate in our economy. I don't like money.
Lady Bird
- When I was little. - Mm.
Lady Bird
When do you think is a normal time to have sex? - You're having sex? - No. Um, college is good. I think college and use protection like we talked about. Okay.
Lady Bird
♪ Cry me a river ♪ ♪ Cry me a river ♪ ♪ Cry me a river ♪ - ♪ Cry me a river ♪ - Hey. - Hi. - [chuckles] Um, help yourself to anything in the fridge. My parents are upstairs, but they don't care if you drink. Okay. Cool. ♪ It wasn't like you only talked to him ♪ ♪ And you know it ♪ ♪ Don't act like you don't know it ♪ ♪ All of these things people told me ♪ ♪ Keep messing with my head ♪ ♪ Messing with my head ♪
Lady Bird
- Is my name. - Oh. Hi. - Hi. - [chuckles] It's funny. On my way over here, I went over the train tracks. - Oh, you took H Street. - Right. And so, Lady Bird always says that she lives on the wrong side of the tracks, but I always thought that was like a metaphor. - Oh. - But there are actual train tracks. [door closes] [Danny] Oh, hi. You look amazing! - What the hell is in the duffel bag? - Don't worry about it. Jeez. - My grandmother will love that dress. - [sighs] Okay.
Lady Bird
[ska music playing]
Lady Bird
I'm no easy A Quiet...
Lady Bird
- Wait. - [chuckles] - This is your grandma's house? - Yeah. - Oh, my God! - Oh, Danny! You're late. Oh, uh, well, thank you so much for having us. - This is Lady Bird. - Hi. Hi, honey. Been anxious to meet you. Your house is my favorite - in all East Sacramento. - Oh, thank you. [chuckles] Oh, my God! - Is this a joke? - No. - Pull these out... - Oh... Almost done. Do you like it? Lovely. I love it. Would you mind doing the whole table for me? Okay. [all] Dreams that will explode Waking up the countryside - How do you know when it's working? - You'll know. - It's not working. - It's not? - No. - My sister said this was premium. - I'm working. - I'm... I'm working too. [chuckling] No.
Lady Bird
I can't feel my arms. - You're working. - [laughing]
Lady Bird
Where's Mr. Bruno's wife? [laughter] [chattering]
Lady Bird
- How's it going? - Okay.
Lady Bird
- Yeah - [applause, cheering] - Whoo! - Whoo!
Lady Bird
If Danny and I get married, and then his grandma died, I'd inherit the dream house. Wouldn't his parents get it? Oh, yeah. We'd have to kill them, and we'd have to kill his older brothers too.
Lady Bird
Why does that cigarette look so weird? Like, not like a cigarette?
Lady Bird
You know... you can touch my boobs, right? I know. It's just that I respect you too much for that.
Lady Bird
Didn't you ever go to sleep without putting all your clothes away perfectly? Like even once?
Lady Bird
My-My grandma wanted me to tell you that she missed you at Christmas. Yeah. Well, I couldn't have gone anyway. My mom was pissed about Thanksgiving. Your mom is crazy. I'm scared of her. She's not crazy. She's just, you know, she has a big heart. She's very warm. I don't find your mother warm. - You don't? - No. No, she's warm. Yeah. - But she's also, kind of, scary. - Well, you can't be scary and warm. - I think you can. Your mom is. - You're gay.