Now, I want spirits to enforce, and art to enchant, and my ending is despair.
Lady Bird
[sighs] I'm gonna miss the fuck out of you.
Lady Bird
- Shit. - What?
Lady Bird
[sobs] - [both chuckling] - Oh, my gosh. We ate all the cheese. It's okay. Lots of cheese vary in size. - This one was a small one. - It's so small. - It was tiny. - That's not our fault. What-What were we to do? Fuck it! Let's just go to prom. Doesn't your mom have a dress? Let's be honest. I've had a dress for months. [both laughing] It's purple. - It is? - Uh-hmm, you're really gonna like it. - Come and see it. - Okay. Cracker time. Dress time. I hope it fits. ["Crash Into Me" playing ♪] ♪ You've got your ball, you got your chain ♪ ♪ Tied to me tight, tie me up again ♪ ♪ Who's got their claws In you my friend? ♪ ♪ Into your heart I'll beat again ♪ ♪ Sweet like candy to my soul ♪ ♪ Sweet you rock, and sweet you roll ♪ ♪ Lost for you ♪ ♪ I'm so lost, for you ♪ People make so much noise in the movies, but it's really not a big thing. You can totally be quiet during it. Was it amazing though? I wanted it so badly, but then I found that when it happened...
Lady Bird
I know I'm-I'm so bad! I know I am. But please just talk to me, Mom. Mom, please talk to me.
Lady Bird
I'm not gonna be here this summer, like, all summer, basically. - Why not? - My dad, my real dad, he resurfaced in Yellowstone, and he wants me to come there for the summer, before I start SCC.
Lady Bird
That'll be three dollars.
Lady Bird
Lady Bird
♪ It's hard to think this eve of parting ♪ ♪ Turns to sand of summer... ♪ You're only supposed to use it for emergencies. It's my tracking device. When both our minds Are warped with parting ♪ Break the thought of nights alone ♪ ♪ Flesh cries out, "Don't move don't leave me" ♪ ♪ Conscience runs till out of breath ♪ ♪ Sunrise pregnant with your leaving ♪ ♪ Creeping in like certain death ♪
Lady Bird
With her scholarships and then if we refinance the house, then where are we?
Lady Bird
["This Eve of Parting" playing ♪]
Lady Bird
[song ends]
Lady Bird
She doesn't know how to help you and it frustrates her. I wish she'd talk to me. She will. I know. Happy 18. Thanks. Do you want some?
Lady Bird
That'll be 10.87. Oh, um, it's my birthday today. I'm 18, which is why all these things, I can buy them. Okay. Happy birthday.
Lady Bird
I love your mom. Does Mom hate me? [exhales] You both have such strong personalities.
Lady Bird
Yes. [chuckles] One pack of Camel Lights please, and a Scratcher, and a Playgirl. ID.
Lady Bird
Are you and Mom gonna get a divorce over this? No. We can't afford to. - [laughs] - Dad.