[sighs] Bruce. It's normal to not touch a penis. I have to go to class. - But I have free period. - I need to pass history. I think we're done with the learning portion of high school. - I'm gonna go. - No. - Mm-hmm. - I hate being alone. Bye! Love you!
He's depressed about money? Being successful doesn't mean anything in and of itself. It just means that you're successful. Yeah, but then you're successful. But that doesn't mean that you're happy. But he's not happy.
Lady Bird
When do you think is a normal time to have sex? - You're having sex? - No. Um, college is good. I think college and use protection like we talked about. Okay.
Lady Bird
The pills. They have Dad's name on them. [inhales] Dad's been struggling with depression for years.
Lady Bird
Money is not life's report card.
Lady Bird
I didn't know that.
Lady Bird
Why do you ask that?
Lady Bird
[faucet running]
Lady Bird
[door opens] Lady Bird. You can't lock the door when we have one bathroom. Sorry, sorry, sorry. It's just this is the only place I can get any privacy. You really need to use two towels? Uh, no. - I guess no. - If you need to use two towels, you just have to say because this affects my whole day. Because I have to do laundry before work and I need to know if there's more towels that I need to wash. I just need one. Sorry. Okay. Well, let me get to the mirror, I've gotta get going.
Lady Bird
♪ The damage is done, so I guess I be leaving ♪ ♪ Oh! ♪ - ♪ The damage is done ♪ - I don't want to have sex yet. - I haven't had sex yet. - Me neither. - With another person. Really? - Nope. Me either. Yeah. ♪ You don't have to say what you did ♪ - ♪ I already know ♪ - ♪ I already know ♪ ♪ I found out from him ♪ - ♪ Now there's just no chance ♪ - [Lady Bird] Oh, my God. It's the tanning bed. [gasps] Julie will love this. Who's Julie? ♪ You can go on... ♪
Lady Bird
So... I'm trying to live by bartering alone. But doesn't Catholic school cost money? Yeah. The diocese we're in are super into it.
Lady Bird
♪ Cry me a river ♪ ♪ Cry me a river ♪ ♪ Cry me a river ♪ - ♪ Cry me a river ♪ - Hey. - Hi. - [chuckles] Um, help yourself to anything in the fridge. My parents are upstairs, but they don't care if you drink. Okay. Cool. ♪ It wasn't like you only talked to him ♪ ♪ And you know it ♪ ♪ Don't act like you don't know it ♪ ♪ All of these things people told me ♪ ♪ Keep messing with my head ♪ ♪ Messing with my head ♪
Lady Bird
And Miguel and Shelly, you'll never get jobs with all that shit in your face. - [puffs] - [door slams]
Lady Bird
It mattered to my dad that... I go to Xavier, so just trying to make him happy.
Lady Bird
I hate that shit.
Lady Bird
Lady Bird
But you smoke. I smoke hand-rolled cigarettes. Never industrially produced. Never cloves. What's wrong with cloves? Can't inhale cloves. What's the point? Oh. You're not supposed to. Well, cloves were what I first smoked when I was young. So, you know, it's a force of habit. It has fiberglass. - Really? - Yeah. Rolling your own is best. Also, like... I'm trying as much as possible not participate in our economy. I don't like money.