Merlin's beard. You know which of your creatures was responsible, Mr. Scamander? No creature did this. Don't pretend. You must know what that was. Look at the marks. That was an Obscurus. You go too far, Mr. Scamander. There is no Obscurial in America. Impound that case, Graves. - Wait, no. Give that back. - Arrest them. Don't hurt those creatures. Please. You don't understand. Nothing in there's dangerous. - Nothing. - We'll be the judges of that. Take them to the cells. Don't hurt those creatures. Nothing in there is dangerous.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
No! No! Credence.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Oh... Teenie, you brought men home. Gentlemen, this is my sister. Wanna put something on, Queenie? Oh, sure. So, who are they? That's Mr. Scamander. He's committed a serious infraction of the National Statute of Secrecy. - He's a criminal? - Uh-huh. And that's Mr. Kowalski. He's a No-Maj. A No-Maj? Teen, what are you up to? He's sick. It's a long story. Mr. Scamander has lost something I'm going to help him find. Oh...
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
You can't Obliviate him. We need him as a witness. I'm sorry. You've just yelled at me the length of New York for not doing it in the first place. - He's hurt! He looks ill. - He'll be fine. Murtlap bites aren't serious. Yeah, I admit that is a slightly more severe reaction than I've seen. But if it was really serious, he'd have... What? Well, the first symptom would be flames out of his anus. - He doesn't seem to... - This is balled up! It'll last 48 hours at the most.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Tears of pearl When the dragon snapped up his best girl And the Billywig forgot to twirl When his sweetheart left him cold The unicorn done lost his horn And the hippogriff... How's a guy get a drink in this joint? What? Ain't you ever seen a house-elf before? Uh, no, of course I have. I love house-elves.