Helm, bring her up. Flight speed. Flight speed, aye.
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
Smile, skxawng. (CAMERA CLICKS) JAKE: Happiness is simple.
Avatar: The Way of Water
NEYTIRI: MaJake. Your son is actually bleeding. Mother, it's fine. I... Just go and get patched up. Go on, dismissed. You do understand that you almost got your brother killed. Yes, sir. You're grounded. No flying for a month. Now, see to the ikran. All of 'em. Yes, sir. And get that crap off your face.
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
Leave any for me? Uh, maybe. (CHUCKLES)
Avatar: The Way of Water
I know what I know. (SNARLS)
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
(LO'AK GRUNTS) Bro, come on! (PAYAKAN SQUEALS) Bro. Come on, bro. Hurry! Call it in! Call Dad! Call Dad! Just go! Do it! Just do it. TSIREYA: Lo'ak, go! Hurry! Dad. I mean, Devil Dog. Do you read me? Did you see where they went? LO'AK: It's Eagle Eye, do you copy? They went outside the reef. Yeah, Lo'ak. LO'AK: (PANTING) Dad! We're with a tulkun that's under attack. Killer ship's inbound. It's about two klicks out. Who's with you? LO'AK: It's all of us. Aonung and Tsireya too. (GASPS) We're at Three Brothers Rocks. You get to cover, and you do not engage. All right? You hear me? Do not engage. We're comin'. Yes, sir. It's getting closer! NETEYAM: Three, two, pull! TSIREYA: Pull! JAKE: (YIPS) Kids are under attack! The kids are under attack. They were defending a tulkun. It's your kids too. The demon ship? Yes! We gotta go! Weapons. Sound the alarm! (YIPPING)
Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
When we sent the Sky People back to Earth, a few of 'em stayed. Science guys, loyal to the Na'vi.
Avatar: The Way of Water
Eclipse is the best time of day to be here. (SERENE MUSIC CONTINUES)
Avatar: The Way of Water
You are one of us now.
Avatar: The Way of Water
Kiri! (GRUNTS) QUARITCH: Runnin' out of time here, Corporal.