- We can slip out the back, man. - Come on. Let's hurry up and do this. Are you crazy, man? Wanna end up like that guy? Not me. I need my nuts, man, for a lot of things. - We need liquor. - You need it. I don't. I'm gonna tell Becca how I feel. Maybe she'll get with me. I'm not gonna get her drunk out of her mind. Oh, really? Then how come you never made a move, you pussy? Because I respect her, Seth. I'm not gonna put unfair pressure on her. I don't see a problem. Let's just do it. We're leaving, okay? You wanna get killed for liquor? No, but I would get killed for pussy, no questions asked. - Fuck this, man. - You're just gonna bail on me? - I'm going. - Fucking bitch.
- Here's the money and the list. - Change is yours. Keep the change. - Thank you. What's the list for? - The alcohol. We're gonna get alcohol for the whole party, okay? We put a lot of time into this list, so don't fuck it up. It's perfect. Ouzo, bourbon, spiced rum, Goldslick... Goldslick Vodka. That's for Becca. Don't forget that.
- Yeah, so? - It's blood. - Dude, that's not funny. - It's blood, dude. But why would I be bleeding? Why the fuck would I be bl...? Dude, why would there be bl...?
- Evan, hey. - Hey, Becca. - Hey, thank you for your pen. - Hey. No problem. No, no, don't worry. No worries. You keep it. You won't have to borrow one again because you'll have that one. - Thank you so much, that's... - You're welcome. Don't worry about it. So I was gonna ask you... ...did you hear about Jesse's grad party next weekend? - It should be fun. - I heard. I... It's a maybe. - Really? - For me at the moment.
I love you.
Hey, McLovin, are the numbers on your side odd or even? - I don't know. It's too dark to see. - We got flashlights. Oh, that's true.
She didn't say that. Come on. She didn't say the second part, the first... She's got an older brother. She could have asked him. She looked me in the eyes and said: "Seth, Mom is making a pubie salad. I need some Seth's Own dressing." She's D.T.F. She's down to fuck, man. P in vagi. She wants to fuck, man. Tonight is the night that fucking is an actual possibility. You sound like an idiot. You're not gonna sleep with her. No. Dude, I know I talk a lot of shit, okay? But she's gonna be at the party and she's gonna be drunk. She likes me at least a little. At the very least, I'll make out with her. Two weeks, handjob. Month, blowjob. Whatever. And then I make her my girlfriend. And I've got, like, two solid months of sex. By the time college rolls around... ...l'll be like the Iron Chef of pounding vag. Can we talk about this later? What the fuck, Evan? We're down two points. Fucking calm down, Greg. It's soccer. - It's soccer. - Fuck you, man. Hey, Greg, why don't you go piss your pants again? - That was eight years ago, asshole. - People don't forget. Do you wanna hear the best part? Becca. You do the same thing with her. When you guys are shitfaced, you get with her. This is our last party as high school people. I've ignored my hatred for Becca in coming up with this plan. I'm flexing nuts. Just fucking come with me on this voyage... ...and stop being a pussy for once... ...and we can fucking fuck some girls already.
Fuck off, Seth.
I'd sit there for hours, drawing dicks. I don't know what it was. I couldn't touch the pen to paper without drawing the shape of a penis. - That's fucked. - No shit, it's really fucked up. Here I am, this little kid... ... and I can't stop drawing dicks to save my own life. All right. I mean, I don't see what this has to do with Becca. Just listen. Okay? Your precious little Becca sat next to me for all of fourth grade. And in the classroom is where I did the majority of my illustrations. I was very secretive about this whole dick operation I had going on. Even I thought I was fucking crazy. Imagine what everyone else would think. So I would stash all of my dick drawings... ... in this Ghostbusters lunchbox that I had. So one day I'm finishing up this real big, veiny, triumphant bastard. All of a sudden... Pussy! You hit Becca's foot with your dick? Yeah. I know.
We're gonna arrest these two little dipshits, okay? And we're gonna pin it on them.
- Shoot-off. - Shoot-off. - Shoot-off! - Shoot-off! There's a lot of reasons why I like you. I mean, you're handsome and you're a good friend. Dude, there he is. That's the guy. Hey, Mark, right there.
Holy shit, they busted Fogell.
Hey, so did you bring a condom for tonight? You brought a condom with you? Yeah. I figured I might as well, you know? I brought a little bottle of spermicidal lube too.
We're so fucked. We're so fucked. This plan's been fucked since Jump Street. Okay, just calm down. Just calm down, all right?
Oh, shit. I'm sorry, bro. I'm sorry, bro. I'm sorry, bro. Tiger got out of the cage, man. All right? I'm sorry. Come on, Mark. Let's just chill. Everyone just chill out.
Come on, go.
- The joint can't hold me. - Holy shit, Fogell's a badass. I'm gonna break your glasses, you fucking cop. You can't hold me. Fucking pigs.