- You're a fucking pussy. - Cheating. You're cheating.
Now Seth's gotta pick up all the pieces. He won't do it. Don't worry. I forgot to tell you, my mom said we can have the TV from the basement... Shut the fuck up, he's gonna hear you. Just be quiet. Wait until he goes away. You still haven't told him that we're rooming together? Fogell, shut the fuck up. And take off your vest. You look like Aladdin. Okay. You got it.
I want a ride! You hear me? You can't unarrest me!
- Come on. - Fuck, man. - Come on! - He must be so afraid. I don't believe this bullshit. I can't believe this is happening! I didn't know you could get arrested for this shit. We need that liquor. - Are they gonna take him downtown? - Fuck Fogell. He got arrested, okay? We're on our own. We need a new way to get liq... Fuck! The money, man! Fuck! How much money can you get? Why are you talking about money? What about Fogell? That doesn't matter anymore. I lost a hundred dollars of Jules' money. Are we gonna bust him out of jail? Bake a cake with a fucking file in it? Fuck Fogell. We need a new way to get liquor, which is fucking impossible. All right, you need to calm down. We need to think for a second. - We need to think this out. - Fuck thinking, we need to act! Seth! - What the fuck happened? - Just... Just get up. Slowly. You all right? You okay? I am so sorry, man. I am so sorry. I didn't even effing see you at all, man. Are you okay? So it's just McLovin? Yeah.
I guess not. To Seth. - To Seth! - All right. Who the fuck is Seth? I'm Seth!
I'm just drilling holes. The last two weeks. Fuck it.
Not right now. You know, not while you're drunk. But, you know, thank you.
You boys doing a bit of drinking tonight? - No, officer. Not at all. Not... We... - We found those. I don't believe you.
How did this happen, Evan? Fuck, man! His dad's gonna fucking kill him. Look, okay? He assaulted the customer, grabbed the cash and ran out. So... - How...? - How...? How...? How...? - Say when, height-wise. - I'm gonna start up here, tell me when. - I'll start on the bottom and... - When. Whatever 5'10" is, he was 5'10". Ethnically, I mean, did... What...? I mean, was he...? Was he like us, or...? A woman? - Female? - No. - Is that what you're asking? - No, no. Was he...? - Like... - What? What? - African? - Af... Af... - Was he African? - African. No. He was American, and he was like you. - He looked just like you. - He was Jewish. Okay, Jew. - It's an odd crime for a Jew. - They're pretty docile. Okay, so we have an African Jew wearing a hoodie. No, you don't. No. That's not what I said. Is that what you heard me say? I said he looked like you. Do you look like an African Jew? - No, I look like a cop. - Yeah. He was Caucasian. - Caucasian. - All right. - Okay. - Well, touch�. Kind of looked like Eminem. Does that help you? - An M&M. - An M&M. - So he was circular...? - Marshall Mathers. Eminem? - The rapper, Eminem. - Did he look like this?
- Oh, my God. - What did I tell you guys, right? That was crazy.
Really? Makes me feel young again. There you go.
You know, one of you bros could've come up and sat up with me. - We're fine back here. - Back's fine. Safe in the back seat.
You saved me. I can't believe. I owe you so...
It's in. Oh, my God, it's in. All right, everybody out. Come on, let's go. McLovin! What the fuck? - Officer Slater, is that you? - You ran away from us. Why did you run away? Michaels, get up here. - No. I didn't run away. - What the fuck? Why would you do that? - I was disoriented from... - Were you violating that girl? You just violated her with your penis? Michaels, look. - McLovin? - No, no, no. No.
I love you. I'm not even embarrassed to say it. I just... I lo... I love you. - I'm not embarrassed. - I love you. I love you. Why don't we say that every day? Why can't we say it more often? I just love you. I just wanna go to the rooftops and scream: "I love my best friend, Evan." - We should go up on my roof. - For sure. Like, when you went away for Easter, on your vacation, I missed you. - I missed you too. - I want the world to know.
I am the law! Okay? Now hold hands. - What? - Why? You don't want an asshole where your face used to be, Whaling Jennings. - Hold his fucking hand! - Fucking hold my hand. There. That's not so hard, is it? Here, McLovin, have a cigarette.