I ain't running for free. - What's the bet? - I win, we lay it down. We turn in our papers and we retire. All right, well, when I win, you stop all this foolish retirement talk. We ride this thing till the wheels fall off. - Bad boys for life. - Uh, bad boys ain't really boys anymore. Hey, Cap, just have the ambo on standby. Old boy gonna need fluids and oxygen. - That's him, Cap. That's him. - Okay. On your mark, get set, go! - Go, Marcus! You got this! - Where you at? - You got this! Breathe! - Uh-oh, where you at? Come on, baby!
Bad Boys for Life
All right. Let's do this.
Bad Boys for Life
Dear God... it's me, Marcus.
Bad Boys for Life
- Oh, shit! - Get in! - There's a pit bull! - Hey, come on!
Bad Boys for Life
Oh, my God, the ears! Yeah, my grandbaby. That's my grandbaby.
Bad Boys for Life
Do you listen to me or not? I wanted him to see the others die.
Bad Boys for Life
Judge Leon Sorenson was shot outside his courthouse late Wednesday.
Bad Boys for Life
Bad boys... one last time.
Bad Boys for Life
We want to thank you for joining us today. It means a lot to the family.
Bad Boys for Life
Mama. He didn't die.
Bad Boys for Life
Your father hid millions of dollars before he was locked up. Here are the coordinates where you can find them.
Bad Boys for Life
With this money we can finally get revenge.
Bad Boys for Life
And I sincerely hope that someday your namesake follows in the footsteps of his old-ass grandpa...