♪ Cry me a river ♪ ♪ Cry me a river ♪ ♪ Cry me a river ♪ - ♪ Cry me a river ♪ - Hey. - Hi. - [chuckles] Um, help yourself to anything in the fridge. My parents are upstairs, but they don't care if you drink. Okay. Cool. ♪ It wasn't like you only talked to him ♪ ♪ And you know it ♪ ♪ Don't act like you don't know it ♪ ♪ All of these things people told me ♪ ♪ Keep messing with my head ♪ ♪ Messing with my head ♪
Lady Bird
When do you think is a normal time to have sex? - You're having sex? - No. Um, college is good. I think college and use protection like we talked about. Okay.
Lady Bird
And Miguel and Shelly, you'll never get jobs with all that shit in your face. - [puffs] - [door slams]
Lady Bird
Money is not life's report card.
Lady Bird
Why do you ask that?
Lady Bird
I hate that shit.
Lady Bird
So this is your house?
Lady Bird
I thought Miguel was gonna pick me up. Well, I was just arriving from work and it was easier. You okay? Aww, honey. He...
Lady Bird
You wanna do our favorite Sunday activity? I don't have a second shift. Yeah.
Lady Bird
[sobs] - [both chuckling] - Oh, my gosh. We ate all the cheese. It's okay. Lots of cheese vary in size. - This one was a small one. - It's so small. - It was tiny. - That's not our fault. What-What were we to do? Fuck it! Let's just go to prom. Doesn't your mom have a dress? Let's be honest. I've had a dress for months. [both laughing] It's purple. - It is? - Uh-hmm, you're really gonna like it. - Come and see it. - Okay. Cracker time. Dress time. I hope it fits. ["Crash Into Me" playing ♪] ♪ You've got your ball, you got your chain ♪ ♪ Tied to me tight, tie me up again ♪ ♪ Who's got their claws In you my friend? ♪ ♪ Into your heart I'll beat again ♪ ♪ Sweet like candy to my soul ♪ ♪ Sweet you rock, and sweet you roll ♪ ♪ Lost for you ♪ ♪ I'm so lost, for you ♪ People make so much noise in the movies, but it's really not a big thing. You can totally be quiet during it. Was it amazing though? I wanted it so badly, but then I found that when it happened...
Lady Bird
Now, I want spirits to enforce, and art to enchant, and my ending is despair.
[Lady Bird] Bruce. Bruce. No. My name is David. Jesus Christ. You have really bad music. It's all greatest hits. But they're the greatest. What's wrong with that? ♪ Where you go, go ♪ ♪ You will always see my face ♪
Lady Bird
What do you want us to do? She's drunk.
Lady Bird
♪ Can't somebody see, yeah ♪ ♪ What this world has done to me ♪
Lady Bird
People call each other by names that their parents made up for them, but they won't believe in God.