It's my parents number. You don't have a cell phone? - Nah. - Good girl. Government didn't have to put tracking devices on us. We bought them and put them on ourselves. I don't own a tracking device. No, no, no. The cell phones. - You see? - Wow. Yeah. I know. I mean, you'll have one eventually. Everyone's gonna have one. And then, it'll be a matter of time. Before what? Before they put them in our brains. [chuckles]
Lady Bird
What do you want from me?
Lady Bird
But don't tell Mom about the Doritos or the wait list.
Lady Bird
Why are you crying? Just crying. Some people aren't built happy, you know.
Lady Bird
[girl] I heard that before he became a priest, he was married, and had a son named Etienne, who died at 17 of a drug overdose, which maybe was a suicide. But my mom says same difference, if you're that careless with your life.
Lady Bird
I know it was you who did the just married thing. It wasn't me. I'm not going to punish you. Oh. Why not? [Sister Joan chuckling] It was funny.
Lady Bird
- Feels good. - [laughs] Yeah.
Lady Bird
Guess you won't be going to any dances in college. This is our last one. You know Davis has a terrific theater if you're still interested in theater. - Are ya? - I'm probably no good at acting. [exhales] Why don't I look like the girls in the magazines? It's too bad I can't meet this Kyle before prom. Well, he's not my boyfriend anymore. I mean, maybe he never even was. Well, I'd still like to meet him.
Lady Bird
- [Lady Bird gasps] - [gasps] Uh, I... [gasps] Oh, my God. ♪ I'm so lost for you ♪ ♪ You come crash... ♪ [both] ♪ Into me ♪ - ♪ Baby ♪ - ♪ Into me ♪ [sobs] ♪ I come into... ♪ [both crying] - [applause] - ♪ Touch your lips just so I know ♪ ♪ In your eyes ♪ [buzzing]
Lady Bird
- I just keep getting fatter. - Me too.
Lady Bird
What? Why can't you say I look nice?
Lady Bird
You look really pretty. - Really? - Yeah. You look like a badass girl in a band.
Lady Bird
[all laughing] [muttering] Pray for us! Save Jesus in our heart! Forever!
Lady Bird
Do you need money for the applications? - I can help with that too. - No. No. I've got that. Summer job's covered it. This is why we have computer shut off time. - This is our room. - Okay, okay.
Lady Bird
It's too tight. Fuck.
Lady Bird
- [harmonica playing] - [vocalizing] [upbeat music playing]
Lady Bird
Actually, I was thinking maybe we should go to the Deuce. I was talking to Kyle about it, and he was like, "Whatever it's lame, but maybe I'll see you there." How do you know Kyle? Oh, my mom made me get a job at New Helvetia to learn, like, "responsibility." Anyway, we hang out there. Yeah. Kyle's awesome. Let's Deuce it up.