"Wear something cute" meant something very specific in Jennifer-speak. It meant I couldn't look like a total zero, but I couldn't upstage her either. I could expose my stomach, but never my cleavage. Tits were her trademark.
Jennifer's Body
Sometimes, the letters are from people who say they're praying for me. They tell me everything will be okay if I just acceptJesus Christ into my heart.
Jennifer's Body
Jennifer's Body
Of course. Well, you're gonna see your buddy really soon. What, you mean, like, in heaven someday?
Jennifer's Body
I think it's broken.
Jennifer's Body
Do you miss Craig?
Jennifer's Body
Walk me home?
Jennifer's Body
I couldn't bring myself to hurt you. I mean, I'm a really good friend, but I was just so hungry.
Jennifer's Body
Maroon 5. Okay. That's what I thought. Go and fetch me the ritual, brother.
Jennifer's Body
Does anyone know you're alive?
Jennifer's Body
What are you doing? Swimming. Ha-ha. Come on, Chip. Show me your breast stroke.
Jennifer's Body
And you look totally hot in that dress. Oh, you're clearly delirious. No, I'm not.
Jennifer's Body
Jennifer, what is it, baby? Needy? Oh, my God.
Jennifer's Body
More than I've ever had the guts to admit.
Jennifer's Body
I care about you so much, Chip.
Jennifer's Body
Oh, God!
Jennifer's Body
You're okay, right? Uh, yeah. But there was this huge stampede, and all the people that fainted got run over, and you could hear their bones breaking. And the people� like, the people on fire just smelled like� This is crazy. Jennifer's still with those creeps. They took her in their spooky van with the windows all blacked out. - Did you get the make and model? - I don't know, Chip. An '89 Rapist? She's still in there. We have to go find her. Who cares aboutJennifer and those douche bags... with their douche bag haircuts and their man-scara? People just burned to death. Oh, cheese and fries. There's somebody here! I'm all alone. I'm freaked out. - Where is your mom? - Swing shift.