- Where are you going? - Far from here, far from you. - Where? - It's none of your business. What? Like hell it isn't. Hey, you cannot go to the airport, you know. - They're gonna be waiting there. - Well, we're not. We've made other arrangements. What other arrangements? Sorry, Dan. Can't say. It's to protect you. Jess-- [stammers] Oh, really? Come on. Don't-- Jess. Please. It's not safe. Then handle it. Make it safe. And when you're done with it, stay away from us.
The Family Plan
But to be honest, this trip is the happiest that I have seen you in years. [chuckles] A trip in which you have killed four people. [huffs] I mean, is this really you?
The Family Plan
[Jess] Yeah. Hi. Uh, thanks for picking up. I know it's late. I was wondering if you could help with some travel for my family, please.
The Family Plan
- Hi. - Gwen. What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting all this. I was on a layover nearby, and I thought, I'll just come get you myself.
The Family Plan
No, I don't think so. Couldn't be.
The Family Plan
[siren wailing in distance]
The Family Plan
Is this for us?
The Family Plan
Look, we can't just abandon Dad. What am I supposed to do? It's my job to keep you safe. I'm a mom. Okay, then-- then be the mom that lifts the car. - What? - You know, the-- the mom. She-- She has the baby, and she lifts the car. Yeah. You know. Car mom. I have no idea what you're talking about. [sighs] It's an urban legend, Mrs. Morgan.
The Family Plan
You know, I think, um, I left something in the taxi. Hey, Molly? - Yeah? - You wanna bring your brother? Let's go. We're leaving.
The Family Plan
Oh. Here we go again. [chuckles] She's like The Little Engine That Could. - [sucks teeth, grunts] - Oh. - [grunts] - [gasps]
The Family Plan
I was just hoping it would buy him enough time to do this.