Found 787 results
Nurse Holly.
The Nice Guys
Dr. Malek. - Hi. - Hi. She's inside. Come in. DR. MALEKI Thank you.
The Nice Guys
On drugs you think? Maybe smoking the reefer?
The Nice Guys
You are very funny. In there. - Asleep. Slight fever. - H m m.
The Nice Guys
Back anytime soon? Oh, hour, tops. Fine.
The Nice Guys
Tally packed it herself. She said so.
The Nice Guys
- No, like The Waltons. - Yeah? Yeah, on TV.
The Nice Guys
Why? Why would she send us off on some wild fucking goose chase?
The Nice Guys
That's not money.
The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys
Just take your hands off the wheel, man.
The Nice Guys
I didn't know it could do that.
The Nice Guys
Shit. Now it's gonna bug me.
The Nice Guys
Where you been, man?
The Nice Guys
You must be Holly.
The Nice Guys