Lancer's boys are here! The old man here? Nada. But the son is.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
ASSISTANT: Stand by, guys. We're going in five.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Keep the others outside.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
I don't know.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Want me to suck your cock while driving? How old are you? What? How old are you? Wow, man. That's the first time anybody asked that in a long time. What's the answer? Okay. We gonna play kiddie games? Eighteen. Feel better? You got some ID, you know, like a driver's license or something? - [LAUGHING] Are you joking? - No, I'm not. I need to see something official that verifies that you're 18, which you don't have because you're not. Talk about a bring-down bummer, dude. That's you. Yeah. Obviously, I'm not too young to fuck you. But obviously, you are too old to fuck me. What I'm too old to do is go to jail for poontang. [LAUGHS] Prison's been trying to get me all my life. It ain't got me yet. The day it does, it won't be because of you. No offense.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
- Actors are phony. - Oh. They just say lines that other people write and pretend to murder people on their stupid TV shows. Meanwhile, real people are being murdered every day in Vietnam. [TIRES SCREECH] [DEE CLARK'S "HEY LITTLE GIRL" PLAYING]
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Well, if by "the old-timey days," you mean television eight years ago, yeah. Are you an actor? No, I'm a stuntman.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
RICK [AS SCOTT]: The war. I rode with the British cavalry in Indi...