Like, you are going to just... do so great in New York.
The Big Sick
Just gonna drive out, and we have a place all ready, and...
The Big Sick
I work on the second floor of the bank - in this fantasy scenario. - Go back to ISIS.
The Big Sick
It's bullshit.
The Big Sick
Take the fun out of hiccups now.
The Big Sick
Like, three whole episodes, and it's a bad show.
The Big Sick
Yeah, don't... Listen to me...
The Big Sick
I know you did not get Montreal, and that is only because you did one of the worst sets I've ever seen in my goddamn life. - Yeah. - CJ: It was nonsense. MARY: A living disgrace. I would call it shit, but I would be worried that I'd be insulting actual shit. Yeah, it was so bone-chilling to me, I thought a ghost had passed right through me. We don't have to keep going over how bad the set was. I saw their faces and the noises they didn't make. - I felt one of my eggs die. - [ Kumail laughs ] Doesn't that happen, like, every month? It happens every month, Kumail, but I don't always feel it and go... [ Groaning ] - [ Chuckles ] - [ Groaning ]
The Big Sick
- Well, then why don't you go? - No. I want you to come with me. I don't want to go alone.
The Big Sick
- Hey. - Hey.
The Big Sick
We'll sit in the back, right? We'll sit in the back. They got food there?
The Big Sick
Yeah, see, you would win. - Ah. Hmm. - Yeah. That'd be a winner.
The Big Sick
What's my stance on 9/11? Oh, um... Anti. It was a tragedy. I mean, we lost 19 of our best guys. Huh? That was a joke. Obviously. 9/11 was a terrible tragedy, and it's not funny to joke about it. - [ PA beeps ] - MAN: Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, please report to the ICU.
The Big Sick
So, um, when is Kumail coming? He's coming. Right, NAVEED?
The Big Sick
AZMAT: Kumail. You're being selfish, you're not thinking about us.