She's not going to get out of the car. She's not even going to look at you.
The Big Sick
Because I am in love with someone.
The Big Sick
Your mother is so angry with you.
The Big Sick
- I'm gonna miss you. - I'm gonna miss you.
The Big Sick
- Bye. - CHRIS: I'll miss you.
The Big Sick
Hello? Kum-beta?
The Big Sick
The Big Sick
When something like this happens, there's this sort of expectation that you're gonna have this completely, like, new lease on life, and... feel totally different about everything, and, like, cherish every sunrise, and, like, for the most part, I just feel like, ugh, I can't get up that early.
The Big Sick
That is like saying that all frat boys wearing country club hats and Hawaiian shirts have shriveled-up, tiny, little dicks. [ Audience laughing ] Okay, actually... Actually, Beth, this is a bad way for you to find out, but he's right. I actually am a terrorist.
The Big Sick
Toast is a really strange food. What-- What did you just say? You put bread, and you make it... TERRY: It was nothing. Come on.
The Big Sick
I admit, this one is designed to stir up some controversy.
The Big Sick
What do you mean, who's calling? This is your father.
It's going fine. Thank you. Yeah, since when are you someone to stand up? You know who I think should stand up is Malala. - She has something to say. - Malala, yeah. - Ooh, I love Malala. - She has something to say. - Malala. - KUMAIL: Yeah. I know. She does open mics, and she crushes. A lot of ethnic material, which I think is a crutch, and that one story gets a lot of play, but...