Oh, that was the end of the joke? Yeah, of course it was. - That was the whole joke? - That's the joke. That's the beauty of it. Boom. - I thought there was more. - But you get it? He's giraffe, he's tall, so it would stand to reason, his testicles are high. - Yeah. - And a highball is a drink.
The Big Sick
Actually, I do know why. It's because they thought I looked like Beetlejuice. I think I'm done with this subject. In fact, I think I'm gonna go home. Wait, wait. We haven't even had sex again yet.
The Big Sick
I lied about the show to get out of hanging out with you guys, and then I lied about headlining to impress you guys.
The Big Sick
And I'm thinking I'm killing it right now. - What inspired this haircut? - Hugh Grant. - No. - Yeah.
The Big Sick
My Uncle Lew, he got cancer. Then he had a stroke, then a heart attack.
The Big Sick
It roughly translates to "dweeb."
The Big Sick
So, naturally, we fell in love.
The Big Sick
You deserve better than me.
The Big Sick
[ Rustling ]
The Big Sick
Toast is like a... What is it about him that made you say that? I think we know what the answer is. I don't... Lady, I wasn't talking to you. What is it about him? We don't have to go down this path. We know what's at the end of it... 'Cause of how he looks.
The Big Sick
How's your blood oxygen level? Oh, well within range. - Nice. - [ Both laugh ]
The Big Sick
Were you, like, voted, like, most sexy? No. I was voted most noticeable.