What do you mean, who's calling? This is your father.
The Big Sick
That is like saying that all frat boys wearing country club hats and Hawaiian shirts have shriveled-up, tiny, little dicks. [ Audience laughing ] Okay, actually... Actually, Beth, this is a bad way for you to find out, but he's right. I actually am a terrorist.
The Big Sick
Okay, okay, okay.
The Big Sick
- Ah. Huh. - Traffic. I heard there's, uh, bumper-to-bumper traffic on the Dan Ryan Expressway. - That's weird, because... - You know, rush hour. I took the Dan Ryan Expressway here.
The Big Sick
Uh, Terry. Terry. And, uh, who's this lovely lady next to you? Oh, my God. That's Emily's dad. Is that cloth? Little terry cloth? - [ Scattered laughter ] - It's Beth. Beth. That's pretty close. Why would he do this? Terry, Beth, where you guys from? - We're from North Carolina. - Ooh. North Carolina. Tar Heel state. - Stop. Stop it. - Oh. Home of Krispy Kreme donuts. What brings you to Chicago?
The Big Sick
Toast is a really strange food. What-- What did you just say? You put bread, and you make it... TERRY: It was nothing. Come on.
The Big Sick
I... I think I should make something clear. Um...
The Big Sick
TERRY: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, no. No, no, no, no. No. Listen.
The Big Sick
I just sort of lost control.
The Big Sick
KUMAIL: On top of the fridge.
The Big Sick
[ Scoffs ]
The Big Sick
That was...
The Big Sick
I'm joking. No, it's... It's not always like that. I'd quit if it was. TERRY: Here's a joke. No. BETH: No. Terry, don't.
The Big Sick
This elevator goes all the way fucking down, you fucking prick!
The Big Sick
You get it, right?
The Big Sick
- Oh, like tonight? - Yeah. No, usually a different mom comes in to help me.
The Big Sick
Not like sexy, but like cool sexy, not like aroused sexy.