- We got you now. - Unh! MAN 1: Do whatever's in the safe too. MAN 2: Look at that. DAVID: It's not even my money. If you take that my boss will kill me.
We're the Millers
Yeah, the plastic. I've seen Dexter. Buddy, I'm putting in a new skylight, you idiot. Ha, ha.
We're the Millers
You should have seen your face just now. You shit a brick.
We're the Millers
Yeah, Brad, I know. Ha-ha. All right, have a seat.
We're the Millers
What? Oh, my orca? Yeah, I bought an orca. [SIGHS]
We're the Millers
Replenishes electrolytes. Don't want you cramping up when you jerk each other off. Nice meeting you.
We're the Millers
MAN: Yeah!
We're the Millers
Twenty-five years in Mexican prison. If you get a happy judge.
We're the Millers
You could be my mule. I need someone I can trust. Go to Mexico, bring it back by Sunday night, not only will I forgive your debt... I will pay you a standard courier fee of $100,000.
We're the Millers
- Great. - I have a smidge of very choice... mari-ju-ana down in Mexico... and I need it here by Sunday night. My regular courier is out because he got gunned down.
We're the Millers
Listen, this is a fucked-up situation. But I might have a win-win for both of us.
We're the Millers
No offense, you look like a total drug dealer. - No shit. Thanks, dude. - You could wear a disguise.
We're the Millers
All right? And then we drive home together in an RV. ROSE: Mm-hm. - And that RV has some pot in it. - Drug dealing? No, it's not drug dealing. It's not. No, it's smuggling. - Are you out of your mind? - Rose, listen to me.
We're the Millers
- What did she say? - What the fuck do you think? She said no. Cool. So I guess it's just us, then. A little father and son bonding trip to Mexico.
We're the Millers
Pretty Woman? She was a prostitute. And I don't trust you.
We're the Millers
Great. And if we get caught I'll say you drugged and kidnapped me. Cool?
We're the Millers
Fine, 1000 bucks, but that's it.
We're the Millers
Did you hear the good news? Now we get to fuck the customers for money.