And we will drive straight home. No drugs for anyone!
We're the Millers
I'll be right back.
We're the Millers
Oh, my God. I don't wanna say hi. They're just waving. If we just wave, he'll stop. Fine. I'll say hi. Fine.
We're the Millers
It is not a vacation!
We're the Millers
Ah, shoot. I'd give you the hose out of our rig and send you on your way... but we'd be stranded ourselves.
We're the Millers
Turns out there's a real Pablo Chacon and we stole from him. So this is probably gonna end well, I would imagine.
We're the Millers
I thought you said we were picking up drugs for Pablo Chacon. I thought we were. Brad told me he was Pablo Chacon. ROSE: Why do you trust that guy? DAVID: I don't, okay? Can you guys stop bickering for five seconds? Okay, how did he even find us? - We don't know. - I don't know. PABLO: With this.
We're the Millers
Cool, is that a transmitter? That's like a...
We're the Millers
Talk about things And nobody cares.
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
Go this way! No, no, no. Don't get on the freeway. - Kenny, just let me in. KENNY: I can't. I'll stop. DAVID: Don't stop! You can't stop. Goddamn it, will you let go? No, no, no, no! You're gonna get us killed! [HORN HONKING] [ALL SHOUTING] DAVID: All right, just get out of the way. KENNY: I can't.
We're the Millers
I mean, she's just a cheap stripper. Hey, thanks, David. Nice. DAVID: We will not do anything if... - Wait, wait. Heh. In the capri pants and the sensible footwear, a stripper?
We're the Millers
I would have loved to say good-bye to him.
We're the Millers
You all die now. But together as a family, with honor.