ROSE: Are you okay? - I think so. Look what happens when you run around like a crazy person. What do mean? He's fine. Come on, Ken-doll, hop up. Here we go. - What's wrong with you? - What's wrong with me?
We're the Millers
Get in the car.
We're the Millers
DAVID: Whoa, what the fuck is that?
We're the Millers
But I've never touched another woman before.
We're the Millers
No, no. I mean, loaded down like this in a 15-ton vehicle... going up a 10 percent grade.
I mean, these kids are pooped and we've just... I need everybody out of this recreational vehicle immediately. - I'll just put the baby down. - We'll put the baby away. Bring the child, pull over to the secondary inspection area and exit the vehicle now!
We're the Millers
It's my fault. When it comes to reading maps, I sure can be an old flibbertigibbet. [WOMAN CHUCKLES] Hey. No parking here, sir. Perfect. Fucking tourists.