Yo! I need you to leave my house. What are you talking about? Get the fuck out, Kenny G. - I'm still getting paid, right? - I don't know! Take your little flute and shoo! Shoo, fly. - Go make another album. - It's not a flute, bitch. Don't care. Thank you so much. Thank you. You can go now. Please. You can leave. Thank you so much for coming. Thank you very much. You too, my friend. Please. No, no. Please exit. I don't know any of you. Please leave my house. Farewell, see you later. Sushi chef, you gotta go. We're done. You can take that plate. Amy, stop! You're embarrassing the family.
A Bad Moms Christmas
- Do it. - Mm.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Well, what am I supposed to do with myself? I don't know, mom! Anything! Make some friends! You're always saying you wanna go to Vegas to see Wayne Newton before he dies. Do that! Anything! As long as it's without me!
A Bad Moms Christmas
Honey... Nice goin'.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Yes! - That was a good haul, mom. - Yeah, she had some good shit. You know... ripping off rich people in front of the supermarket with you is... bringing back a lotta happy Christmas memories for me. Yeah. Me too, babe. I miss you, you know? I miss you, too. It's so weird. Yeah. Maybe we should... spend more time together?
A Bad Moms Christmas
- Hey. - Hey. Well, I heard what happened. Hmm.
A Bad Moms Christmas
It's all I've ever wanted. Well, I'll stay as long as you want me to.
A Bad Moms Christmas
I'm so sorry, mom. I had... I had no idea. I know. I know. Oh, God.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Well, I thought that was an enormous success. Mom, this, this, this isn't working. - What isn't working? - This, this. I-I wanted a mellow Christmas and you keep fighting me every step of the way. Amy, this is a very important Christmas for your kids. You cannot just phone it in. I'm not, I'm not phoning it in. My kids told me that they wanted a mellow Christmas. And I promised them that I would give it to them. Well, of course they told you that, Amy. Because they're telling you what they think you want to hear. But secretly, they know that I'm right. Because you know what? I just am. Okay. Ha-ha! You know what? I'm done fighting this. I'm gonna tell you exactly how we're doing Christmas this year. The kids and I are gonna spend the entire Christmas Eve day sledding. And then, we're gonna come home bake cookies, and watch "Love Actually." - Dumb movie. - Then, Christmas morning. Only Jessie and his daughter are gonna come over and we're gonna exchange three gifts. Who's Jessie? Then we're gonna spend all day in our pajamas until my friends come over for dinner when we are gonna order Chinese takeout from Mr. Wang's. - The horror. - Ugh! There'll be no show-offy party no sushi, no camels. And definitely, definitely, no Kenny G. Amy, he is the godfather of smooth jazz. Mom, I am done with your over-the-top Christmases. This is my house, and this is my life. And if you want to come down here and be a part of my family then you have to live by my rules.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Oh, boy. I don't know what's happening right now. - W-why are you turning on me? - I'm not turning on you. I'm just saying, I think that we could benefit from some boundaries, right? I have cancer.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Okay. Hi, mom. - Amy. - Hi. - You look pale. - Oh. I'm just trying out a new skin thing. Oh, good, it's just bad makeup. You're not dying. Where's your tree? I-I haven't had time to get one yet. Amy, it's December 19th. Even the Jews have Christmas trees by now. Never mind, we'll get one tomorrow. - Okay. - Huh. Yeah. Do you have any food? I haven't eaten in three days. Yeah. Oh, gosh, yes. I actual... I have all your favorites. It's adorable. You let your kids cook.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Hah! Merry Christmas, Kiki! - Mom? Hi! - Oh... my... gosh! I thought you weren't coming until Friday. Well, I just hopped on an earlier flight. - Three days earlier? - Oh. I-I haven't made up the guest bedroom or anything. That's okay. I'll just sleep with you. Big spoon, little spoon. I usually sleep with my husband now. Hey, you wanna see the sweatshirt I made?
A Bad Moms Christmas
What is it?
A Bad Moms Christmas
Bernard, let's hang 'em on the tree. Okay, buddy? Oh, who put the big brown ornament right on the front of the tree? - It looks like doodie. - Yes, it does, baby. And that's why mommy's gonna move it around back. Oh, no, sweetie we don't drink the tree water. We don't drink the tree water 'cause we're people, right? Mommy, is there a Santa Claus? You bet there is, buddy. - I know. - Are you lying to me, mommy? Oh, God, make it stop. What else have you lied about? - Hey, babe. - Hey, dad. - Hi, guys. - Hi. - You alright? - Yeah.
A Bad Moms Christmas
Guys, how long have you been standing here? How could you do this to us? Guys, would you please just trust me that it's for the best? No, it's not! It's the best for you. We actually love grandma. Yeah, she's a part of our family, and we love her. Yo-you don't just kick someone out. First, you kick dad out. Now, you kick grandma out. Who's next? Are you gonna kick us out? What, honey, no, of course not. I would never do that. Why do you always have to screw everything up?