- ...then you're out of your mind. - Whoa. Wait a second.
We're the Millers
Whoa, where the hell are you going? Hey, hey!
We're the Millers
Da... Wha...?
We're the Millers
- Hey, what's up? - Hey, Brad. I'm just getting some singing lessons from my main man Ben Folds Five. - Ain't that right, Ben Folds Five? - My name is Ben Folds. "Five" is the name of the band. You're fucking with me. I love it. You gotta meet this guy. Benji Five is a laugh riot. Remember that song "Brick" we used to listen to? [SINGING] She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly. It's... I've got... It's that guy. I fucking got that guy. He's like my personal bitch. - Listen, is everything okay? - Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Uh, things are fine. I'm about 200 miles away. I'll be there in three hours, all right? - All right. Peace. - Agh, fucking asshole. Scales. Let's do this. This gig sucks. Don't talk to me like that. I will have you killed. And no one will miss your fucking nerd music.
We're the Millers
You're right about that. I'd be in Denver now if it wasn't for you slowing me down. Are you shitting...? Slowing you down? What the hell are you talking...?
We're the Millers
MAN [ON RADIO]: Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! Great. That's loud.
I know just the spot, you know what I'm saying? Heh-heh.
We're the Millers
Is that not like the hottest?
We're the Millers
- You know what? - What?
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
"The I"
We're the Millers
- A little better. - See, you're not in synch with what I'm doing. I'm just playing a major scale, but, um, we can move it down. - Let's move it. - Shitty scale. Stop talking. Just shut the fuck up. [PHONE BUZZING]
We're the Millers
Yeah. "Crash." Yup. Wow. I didn't recognize you. You look very different. I've gained a little bit of daddy weight. You know the drill. Actually, I don't, no.
We're the Millers
If you're gonna punch someone, punch them on one. Well, David told me to count.
We're the Millers
Fine. I'll slide your check under your door. Kenny, let's go.