Hi. Hello, how are you? Oh, great. What's the news, doc, huh? Can we get going? - He's about to tell us. - Oh, good. I'm afraid your son had a pretty severe allergic reaction to the spider's venom. Ooh. Too bad. Better get him home. Where is he? He's in a lot of pain right now, we won't be able to release him for a few hours yet.
We're the Millers
Again, I do know what you're saying. But I appreciate you continuing to check in with me. - Hi! Bye. We're gonna go. - Whoa, wait! - Where do you think you're going? - Out.
We're the Millers
I cannot believe her. Where the hell is she? Look who is concerned about someone other than themselves. What? I just want to get back on the road. No, I know.
We're the Millers
Hey, those are cool tats, man. Oh, for real. Thank you, bro. You see the cobra?
We're the Millers
- What's your name, man? - Scottie P., you know what I'm saying? Ha-ha.
We're the Millers
So, Scottie P., what exactly do you do for a living?
We're the Millers
- Nice meeting you. You do you, Scottie P. SCOTTIE: You too.
We're the Millers
- Uh, no, the mountains. - Of course.
We're the Millers
Well, he's not. He left.
We're the Millers
You are not my wife! And we are not a family! All right? This is a job! We are not the Brady Bunch!