It's not true, by the way. About me and Felix. For the record.
Isle of Dogs
Rex! King! Duke! Boss! You made it! - What happened to you? - I took a bath. - What? He's got soap? - Just a little. You're too fluffy. - We played fetch. - With a stick? With a hunk of rubber radiator-tubing. And you brought it back to him? Yeah. He's a good boy. Don't you tell me that! I'm the one that tried to make you be loyal to him, in the first place. Stop. Stop! This is the rendezvous. Where's that trash-tram taking you? You think we booked this ride through a travel agent? We were fighting for our lives in a high-velocity trash-processor while you were getting scrubbed and brushed. - Jump! - Where? - Here! - When? - Now! - Why? - What? - Let's take a vote. All in favor of jump...
Isle of Dogs
No, you can't ride the Pagoda-Slide. You're below the safety-limit, anyway. Let's go.
Isle of Dogs
It may snow tonight. Really? Thank you very much. Wow. To whom it may concern. - She sees the future. - No. She understands T.V.
Isle of Dogs
I am not your pet. I never liked you. I don't care about you. I won't wait for you. I bite.
Isle of Dogs
Good boy.
Isle of Dogs
Major-Domo is accusing the mayor of breaking his campaign promise! He's steaming mad!
Isle of Dogs
This landslide re-election is a massive fraud, and we demand a re-count!
Isle of Dogs
- Spit him with a tooth! - I can't get a clean shot. Too many innocent protesters. I'll be right back.
Isle of Dogs
We've got a Master Pass-Key! Open his cage.
Isle of Dogs
Some say a few lost-dogs continue to roam and scavenge on Trash Island. However, these rumors remain unconfirmed.
Isle of Dogs
Too late.
Isle of Dogs
But, what about the right one?
Isle of Dogs
Tracy: be careful.
Isle of Dogs
Actually, it's pretty obvious. This is my mate, Peppermint. She's pregnant with our first litter. She was due a week ago.
Isle of Dogs
It's gonna be a fight!
Isle of Dogs
Graft and political corruption were reduced to sustainable, acceptable levels.