I'm sorry, this is a private conversation. Oh, it's all right, Mr Brown, this is my friend, Knuckles. - How are you? - This is Phibs. - G'day. - Spoon. - Hello. - Jimmy the Snitch. - All right? - T-Bone. - Wotcher. - The Professor. Squeaky Pete. - Double Bass Bob. - Hello. - Farmer Jack. - How do? - Mad Dog. - Woof! - Johnny Cashpoint. - Kerching! - Sir Geoffrey Willcot. - I hope I can rely on your vote. And Charley Rumble. Oh, it's so wonderful to meet you all. I must say, it's a great relief to know that Paddington's already made such sweet friends. Would you excuse us a moment? - What are you doing? - Talking to the nice men. Nice men? Mary, we can't trust these people. I mean, look at them. Talk about a rogues' gallery. Hideous! As for that bearded baboon in the middle, he's hardly got two brain cells - to rub together. - We can still hear you, Mr Brown. That was the light you turned off. The microphone is on the other side. It's got "microphone" written on it.
Paddington 2
In the past month, these three shadowy individuals have all been seen snooping around three London landmarks. - Oh. - We think the thief you saw - is part of a criminal gang. - Using the pop-up book - as a treasure map. - Well, it's a theory. - Have you found out who they are? - Not yet, dearie.
Paddington 2
Gentlemen, if I have offended you in any way... Don't worry about it. We're fond of the little fella. And let's face it, if anyone can recognise a criminal gang, it's us. We'd be grateful for any help. - Please. - Well? Knuckles? I'm afraid I don't recognise any of them. Lads?
Paddington 2
I'm afraid I couldn't possibly comment. Sorry to say it, kid, but your friends are barking up the wrong tree. A nun, a beefeater and a king? Sounds more like a fancy dress party than a criminal gang. Then... what are we going to do now?
Paddington 2
Oh! - Watch where you're going. - So sorry. Sorry. Sorry, I get grumpy when I haven't had breakfast.
Paddington 2
I do hope you have good news.
Paddington 2
Keys... Keys. Keys! Bottoms!
Paddington 2
It's very kind of you, Knuckles, but... I don't think Aunt Lucy would like the idea of us... breaking out of prison. The Browns will find the real thief. I just need to be patient.
Paddington 2
Knuckles? Got a proposition for you, kid. Me and the boys have been talking and seems to us, if you're gonna clear your name, you're gonna need our help. The Browns may mean well but... - It takes a thief to catch a thief. - Ohh. Now, if we could figure a way out of here and hit the streets, we'd find this guy soon enough. But that would mean... escape. It certainly would. And we got a plan. But it's a four-man job so we need your help.
Paddington 2
Hello? It's Judy Brown from The Portobello Express. Come in. So what's this for, darlings? - School newspaper? - Yes. We thought the agent of the Phoenix Buchanan would be really interesting. And you'd be right. But I've got two minutes, so we better make it snappy. And I've only given you that because you've brought breakfast. Nice buns, by the way.
Paddington 2
Hello, Joe. What a surprise! What are you doing here? Posting letters. How's Paddington? - Oh, he's a tough wee bear. - Yeah, he is. Well, send him my best. - I will. Thank you, Joe. - Bye. Bye-bye.
Paddington 2
You're wrong, Knuckles. You're all wrong. The Browns aren't like that. They'll come tomorrow and they'll have good news. You'll see.
Paddington 2
Before you know it, you won't have a home to go back to.