Uh, your youngest sister, Minnie, who died of the wasting illness two years ago, she was married to a "Bill Smith." Yes. And that is the same Bill Smith currently married to your sister, Reta.
Killers of the Flower Moon
Why would he want them blown up?
Killers of the Flower Moon
Couple days.
Killers of the Flower Moon
- Tryin' to be nice to you now. - I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna fix it. I'm tryin' to be nice to you, John! - I'm doing it. I said I'm gonna do it. - Yeah, you best do it. Right now, John. Right now.
Killers of the Flower Moon
I'm a 32nd degree Mason. I am imbued with confidence, trust and responsibility, among other things.
Killers of the Flower Moon
- Oh, Lord! - What was that? What was that? I don't know! I don't know. - Vera! - Oh, Lord.
Killers of the Flower Moon
I understand I'm wanted. Well, I'm here to turn myself in. Wh-- What you supposed to have done? Killed somebody, if you can believe it. Oh, now, Bill, I wouldn't go that far. Arrest me, son.
Killers of the Flower Moon
Goddamn it. I quit.
Killers of the Flower Moon
- Hmm. - I wanna talk to the man in the hat.
Killers of the Flower Moon
You're afraid I'll say too much.
Killers of the Flower Moon
Well, uh, I hear you're the king of the Osage Hills, and you might be the man to talk to. I can give you my opinion. Most likely this death business is at the hands of a band of men from outside these parts, possibly Nigras. You saw what happened in Tulsa?