I put her in her car. You did what? I put her in her car. I just told her to leave. You just sent away the only one of us sober enough to drive? Yeah. You just couldn't stand the fact that she might prefer me to you. That's not true. It is true, Gary!
The World's End
There comes a time when you have to go forwards and not backwards.
The World's End
I was getting somewhere. We held hands.
The World's End
Where's Sam?
The World's End
The World's End
Oh, no.
The World's End
Are they as successful as Newton Haven? Because I'm guessing we're not the only glitch in your system. It is true, The Network has been experiencing some difficulties. I think you bit off more than you can chew with Earth, mate. Yeah, 'cause we are more belligerent, more stubborn and more idiotic than you can possibly imagine, and I am not just talking about Gary. Yeah, there's more than one Gary King. But you said... I fucking know what I fucking said! Your reliance on profanity is a measure of your immaturity as a man and a species, Why don't you just get in your rocket and fuck off back to Legoland, you cunts! Yeah! Stop fucking Starbucking us, man! Yeah! It is our duty to challenge you. Just leave us to our own devices, you intergalactic arseholes. You misunderstand. Shut up! We are trying... Nobody's listening! If you'd only... Face it, we are the human race and we don't like being told what to do.
The World's End
Hey, it's our basic human right to be fuck-ups. This civilization was founded on fuck-ups. And you know what? That makes me proud. And me! What is it they say? "To err is..." "To err is human." "To err is human," so, uh...
The World's End
Oh, you are in trouble now. It's only the fucking Three Musketeers. You are revolting against the wisdom of countless solar systems. Yeah, we are revolting!
The World's End
You just said you're not here to conquer. Can I just ask, how many people did you have to replace in Newton Haven? That is irrelevant. Is it?
The World's End
We do not believe you speak for all humanity. You are but two men. Two drunk men. Three drunk men!
The World's End
Yeah, it's shit here, innit?
The World's End
Enough! Enough, humans!
The World's End
The World's End
They fucked off.
The World's End
Wasn't that... Shane Hawkins. Hey, didn't he... Yes, he did. Hang on. What happened with Shane Hawkins again? I'd rather not bring it all up again, if that's okay.