I have a few notes that I assume that you're open to. Yes. Um, but this is a solid demo, with real potential.
Pitch Perfect 2
Oh. I gotta jump on a call. Yeah, no. No, get it in there. Get it in there. Attagirl. You want one of these? Oh, hey. You want one of those? There you go. Attagirl. Ow!
Pitch Perfect 2
Here you go. Okay.
Pitch Perfect 2
There we go.
Pitch Perfect 2
Wait. Are you being serious?
Pitch Perfect 2
Thank you so much. Okay, my people, check it out.
Pitch Perfect 2
It's just everything's changing so fast and I'm putting all this pressure on myself, you know? I don't wanna fail. But if you just would have said something... Yeah, I know. But I'm weird about that stuff. I thought I could figure it out on my own, and I can't.
Pitch Perfect 2
Fire when ready. I want to hear ideas.
Pitch Perfect 2
No, no. You know, I'm just gonna be moody and distant. Artists love that. I know I love that.
Pitch Perfect 2
This... Dax, the tech guy. Did you call the tech guy?
Pitch Perfect 2
There are so many fresh Danishes here. I swear, if I wasn't recently locked down, I would tear a hole through this city!
Pitch Perfect 2
Let's do this thing!
Pitch Perfect 2
Thank you.
Pitch Perfect 2
And I have a...
Pitch Perfect 2
Ashley, what are you gonna do after... Actually, though, if we were to stop and really think, "What could Fat Amy be capable of in the future?"