- Ray? - Surprise inspection. - What are you doing here?
The Founder
- ♪ Every time it rains ♪ ♪ It rains Pennies from heaven ♪ ♪ Don't you know? ♪ ♪ Each cloud contains Pennies from heaven ♪ - ♪ You'll find your fortune ♪ ♪ Fallin' all over town ♪ - Sounds pretty good. - ♪ Be sure that your umbrella ♪ ♪ is upside down ♪ ♪ Trade them for a package of ♪ - ♪ Sunshine and flowers ♪ ♪ If you want the things You love ♪ ♪ You must have showers ♪ ♪ So when you Hear it thunder... ♪ ♪ Don't run under a tree ♪ ♪ There'll be Pennies from heaven ♪ ♪ For you and me ♪ - Sorry.
The Founder
Prince Castle Sales, how can I help you? - Hi, June. - Ray, how's it going down there? - Good, swell, lot of interest. - Hold on, let me fetch your messages. Let's see, Gene Rafferty from United Aluminum needs to reschedule Friday. Ed Nance calling about the refund. Sloan and Sons, they called again, we're sixty days past due. A lady from the March of Dimes, oh... We got an order, six mixers. - Six? - Mm-hmm. Some drive-in out in California. - Same place, one place. No that's... that's impossible. - I've got the slip right here. - No, I'm sure you misunderstood. You know what? Give me the number. - You got a pen? - Okay. All right.
The Founder
The Founder
- That's nice. - Yeah, sure is.
The Founder
- Thanks. - Thank you.
The Founder
I can't resist. - So what do you say? We try it out at our place and then if it goes well... - You roll it out nationally. - I could. Yeah. Let me think about it.
The Founder
- May we join you? - Huh? Yeah. Sure. Thank you. Have a seat.
The Founder
That's where it all started.
The Founder
This one's different.
The Founder
Just be right one time.
The Founder
So, whaddaya say, Ray?
The Founder
- Mr. Kroc? - Can I help you? - No, but perhaps I can help you. Harry Sonneborn, nice to meet you. - No, thanks, we're very happy with our current supplier. - I'm not here to sell you ice cream. - What the hell do you want? - I caught a bit of your conversation back there, sounds like you're having financial troubles. - Why don't you mind your own business? - I'm a great admirer of your establishment.