- Ready? - Ready. Barbie? No more games, Ken! What did Lotso do to Buzz? And how do we switch him back? You can't make me talk. You can't! But I 'd like to see you try.
Toy Story 3
Evil Dr. Pork Chop!
Toy Story 3
Well, that went well. He held me! He actually held me!
Toy Story 3
- You're leaving? - But didn't you have fun today? Well, of course I did, more than I 've had in years, but, you see, I belong to someone else. - Who's "Yid-nuh"? - I believe it's pronounced "Yid-nay." Guys, it says "Andy." He's my Bonnie. And he's leaving soon. I gotta get home. - Where's home? - Elm Street. 234 Elm.
Toy Story 3
Hold on, we're going in!
Toy Story 3
You wait. Andy's gonna tuck us in the attic. It'll be safe and warm... - And we'll all be together. - Exactly! There's games up there, and books, and... - The racecar track! - The racecar track. Thank you! - And the old TV. - There you go, the old TV. And those guys from the Christmas decorations box. They're fun, right? Yeah. And someday, if we're lucky, Andy may have kids of his own. And he'll play with us then, right? We'll always be there for him. Come on, guys. Let's get our parts together, get ready, and go out on a high note. I 'd better find my other eye. Where'd you leave it this time? Someplace dark. And dusty. Come on. Let's see how much we're going for on eBay. Don't worry. Andy's gonna take care of us. I guarantee it!
Toy Story 3
Okay. Out of the box. Everyone, right now!
Toy Story 3
- Sort of. - Behind you.
Toy Story 3
Hey! Where's that fur ball Lotso? Yeah. I 'd like to loosen his stitchin'.
Toy Story 3
Woody, what are you doing?
Toy Story 3
- What? - That's impossible. No, no, I really see him. In his room.
Toy Story 3
Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
Toy Story 3
Okay then.
Toy Story 3
Well, then, Woody was telling the truth.
Toy Story 3
And this is where the magic happens. Look at all your clothes! I can't believe you never brought me up here! - Tennis whites? Mission to Mars! - I know, I know, I know. Check this out! Kung fu fighting. Campus hero with matching sports pennant, huh? Flower power! Oh, Ken! No one appreciates clothes here, Barbie. No one. Ken, would you model a few outfits for me? Just a few?
Toy Story 3
That's enough. That's enough. That's enough! All right. Go. Go, go! Okay. All clear.
Toy Story 3
What about you guys? I mean, maybe the attic's not such a great idea.