She's gonna look great without hair. That's a fact, so... Yeah, I just wanted to say what's up. Rachel! We've got two cute little mouse boys on our doorstep that wanna say hi!
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Let's just watch this first, okay?
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
All right, son, get on your feet. Sounds good.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
GREG: Okay, so just look at me when you answer the questions. Don't worry about the camera, all right?
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
What? I mean, at least high school, it's over at 3:00... ...and it's kids I mostly know by now. But college is just gonna be non-stop strangers. And some of them even live in your room. It's like you can literally never relax. I see myself dying of a panic attack two weeks in.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
(CRYING) Look, I've never been very beautiful...
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Hey, come on.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
She gave up.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
The soup had drugs.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Hey, uh... When are you guys finishing your movie?
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Then I drift away EARL: We can walk you home. RACHEL: He needs to recover, and you probably should look after him.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Greg! You never told me. Well, we never told anybody 'bout them. They suck. I mean, they're terrible. I'm pretty sure they don't suck. EARL: Well, you can see for yourself if you want.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
WERNER HERZOG ON VIDEO: To become humbled in front of this overwhelming misery... ...and overwhelming fornication and overwhelming lack of order. Titties.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Are you not gonna help me make this? The hell we gonna make, son? GREG'S DAD: They want fresh inspiration. I must tell you, the richest inspiration I have ever known was... ...during my period of quarantine in the Amazon. (THEME FROM THE CONVERSATION PLAYING ON HEADPHONES) Where I and a half dozen other... ...unfortunates had nothing to watch... ...but the bristling, leviathan tarantula... ...bunched up on the rotting, flimsy thatch... ...perhaps eight feet above our faces.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
The only reasonable adult in all of Schenley. Heathens. BOTH: Respect the research. With Earl, whose role in my life I'm not even gonna try to explain to you right now. The harmony of overwhelming and collective murder. GREG: One last thing: hot girls destroy your life. That's just a fact. It doesn't matter if the hot girl is also a good person. She's a moose, you're a chipmunk. She's just wandering through the forest, oblivious.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
So, no favorite toy.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
What happened? Well, I just got off the phone with Denise Kushner, Rachel's mom. You know Denise?