By senior year, I had mastered the languages and customs of its various sovereign states.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Have you seen me in a tux?
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Now we can get back to our interview.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Oh. Okay, so you don't wanna hang out? No. Thanks anyways.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
I used to think about it this way: Schenley High School was a world unto itself.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
No, 'cause last time it was about Greg-acil... ...which if you recall comes in convenient gel-tab form. Look, I don't want you hanging out with me. I don't need your stupid pity. It's fine, you can just go. No, no. You got it all wrong. I'm not here 'cause I pity you. I'm actually here because my mom is making me.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Get passports to everywhere. Just be on low-key good terms with everyone... ...casually interact with them once in a while... a way that is invisible to everyone else.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Get citizenship in every nation.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
GREG: Rachel. Greg, what are you doing here?
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Oh, Greg.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Just... Just do something nice for me for once and just get out.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
All right, look. I'll just start.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Sorry, next time I'll bring you some flowers.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
He knew every single European pop song from the 1970s. Every single one.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
I mean, obviously, somewhere in the world, it's the best of times for someone. Like he's eating all this insane Vietnamese food he just got for free... ...and the woman who delivered the food looks exactly like the hot girl from Pussy Riot and now she's situated in the corner playing unspeakably beautiful melodies on the harp. While he's just going to town on that food. So, yeah, that's the best of times. Meanwhile, some other guy is having his will broken by professional torturers... ...who are suspending him over a crocodile-infested pool of acid. And because it's acid, these crocodiles are just pissed. And they're also piping in that gross smell you get... ...when they spill a bunch of milk in the school parking lot. And this beefy torture dude is just punching the hell out of him. Worst of times: check.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
LeBron James plays basketball. I know who LeBron James is.