So, I'm of the thinking that you are my lucky charm and that I'm not doing this job without you. Now, I don't think I need to give you the speech about what happens when you say no, how I could break your legs and kill everyone you love, because you already know that, don't you? Yeah. So, what's it gonna be, behind the wheel or in a wheelchair?
Baby Driver
No. I've, uh, spoken more to you today than I have to anyone all year. Whoa. Okay. Not a motor-mouth. Noted. Yeah, yeah. I have... I have this, uh, hearing thing. I was in an accident when I was little. Is that what happened to your mom? Yeah. Yeah, and my dad.
Baby Driver
Deal? Yeah, deal. Now, you know what you want yet? To get out of here.
Baby Driver
Drop your weapon! Oh, my God!
Baby Driver
This is all your fault.
Baby Driver
Come on, boys, let's rock! Move! Move! Move! Move! Huh? Sweetheart. Oh, my love.
Baby Driver
No fucking way! Baby, you are a fucking jinx! Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!
Baby Driver
♪ Tequila ♪ - ♪ Run, run, run... - ♪ Whoo! ♪ Bats, you are fucking crazy. When your folks name you Bats, you gonna end up crazy. I don't doubt you're crazy, but your real name is not Bats. So says you. You think my real name's Darling? Yeah, or Buddy? No, they're nicknames. Code names, monikers. So, what's your real name, Darling? Monica. Hey, I thought we weren't allowed to discuss names. We're not. Baby, what's your real name?
Baby Driver
Yeah. You don't look happy to see me. Why? I said we were straight, but did you think we were done? That that was it? Uh, I guess I did. Well, I could give you the good news and the bad news, except there is no bad news. The good news is you're about to make a lot of money. And the good news is you're about to make a lot of money. I got... I got a job, Doc. Yeah, but why slave away delivering GoodFellas pizzas just to afford a night out here, when you could make all that dough with a great fella? Me. And then take your gal here for fucking dinner every night of the week? You paid off your debt. Now it's time to profit. This is the fun bit, Baby. By the time this job is over, you'll be rolling in money, buying Maseratis and feeding your gal catfish dipped in gold. So, what do you say? You in?
Baby Driver
Look, here's the deal. You rob to support a drug habit. I do drugs to support a robbery habit. That's clever. That's my job, see. It's you two who's on vacation. So you doubt our credentials? Wall Street, right? Doc tell you that? Doc ain't tell me shit. Just a educated guess from an uneducated man. Well, Bats, I would be fascinated to hear your thoughts on the matter. Tell me if I'm way off, Buddy. You were a stockbroker. Maybe a different wife, maybe kids. You stack your paper, but you say shit like, "Work hard, play harder," but you play a little too hard. You rack up debt, the type of debt that'd make a white man blush. Maybe you get into a little trouble. Maybe you get your hand caught in the corporate cookie jar. Maybe you leave and run off to the desert. Maybe with your favorite lap dancer in tow. Maybe you disappear into a world consisting of three things, money, sex, drugs and action. Oh, shit, that's four. Am I close?
Baby Driver
Thanks. ♪ I've got to keep you pleased ♪ In every way I can ♪ Gonna give you all of me ♪ As much as you can stand ♪ Make love to you right now ♪ That's all I want to do ♪ I know you need it, girl ♪ And you know I need it, too ♪ 'Cause I found ♪ What the world is searching for ♪ Here, right here, my dear ♪ I don't have to look no more...
Baby Driver
♪ My daddy was the family bassman ♪ My mama was an engineer ♪ And I was born one dark gray morn ♪ With music coming in my ears ♪ In my ears ♪ They call me Baby Driver ♪ And once upon a pair of wheels ♪ I hit the road and I'm gone ♪ What's my number? ♪ I wonder how your engines feel ♪ Mmm, ba, ba-ba, ba ♪ Scoot down the road ♪ What's my number? ♪ I wonder how your engines feel ♪ Shine the light ♪ Whoo, ooh, ooh, whoo, ooh, ooh ♪ Whoo, ooh, do-do-do, do, ooh, do-do, do-ee ♪ Whoo, ooh, ooh, ooh-ee ♪ My daddy was a prominent frogman ♪ My mama's in the Naval Reserve ♪ When I was young, I carried a gun ♪ But I never got the chance to serve ♪ I did not serve ♪ They call me Baby Driver ♪ And once upon a pair of wheels ♪ I hit the road and I'm gone ♪ What's my number? ♪ I wonder how your engines feel ♪ Mmm, ba, ba-ba, ba ♪ Scoot down the road ♪ What's my number? ♪ I wonder how your engines feel ♪ ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ Mmm, ba, ba-ba, ba ♪ My daddy got a big promotion ♪ My mama got a raise in pay ♪ There's no one home We're all alone ♪ Oh, come into my room and play ♪ Yes, we can play ♪ I'm not talking about your pigtails ♪ But I'm talking 'bout your sex appeal ♪ I hit the road and I'm gone ♪ What's my number? ♪ I wonder how your engines ♪ Vroom, ba, ba-ba, ba ♪ Scoot down the road ♪ What's my number? ♪ I wonder how your engines feel ♪ Ooh-ee, ooh, do, ooh-ee, ooh-ee, ooh-ee, do ♪ Ooh-ee, do-do-do, do-ah, na, na ♪ ♪ Was he slow? ♪ No... N-no ♪ Good... Good kid and a devil-devil-devil behind the wheel ♪ Was he slow? ♪ "Retarded" means slow Was he slow? ♪ No... N-no ♪ ♪ Then what the hell else more do you need to know? ♪ Devil-devil-devil behind the wheel ♪ "Retarded" means slow Was he... Was he slow? ♪ No... N-no DOC: ♪ Was he slow? ♪ Devil-devil behind the wheel Was he slow? ♪ No... N-no ♪ Was he slow? ♪ No ♪ He's a... He's a... He's a good kid He's a... He's a... He's a good kid ♪ D-D-Devil behind the wheel Was... Was he slow? ♪ No... N-no ♪ Then he don't sound that retarded to me ♪ He's a good kid and a devil behind the wheel ♪ What the hell else more do you need to know? ♪ Was he slow? ♪ D-D-Devil behind the wheel ♪ Was he slow? ♪ Was he slow? ♪ Was he slow? ♪ Was he slow? Was he slow? ♪
Baby Driver
The joyrider? Yeah. The ghost that baited cops doing 130 on 85. Headlights off, brake lights disconnected. He drove 'em around in circles on Spaghetti Junction. Left 'em in the dust every time. That was our boy there. Wasn't that, like, 10 years ago? Yeah. Well, like I said, that was our boy. He's been boosting cars since he was old enough to see over the dash. He stole my Mercedes. Had a lot of merch in it. I watched him do it, too. I didn't stop him, though, 'cause I was just blinded by the balls on that kid. 'Course he didn't know who I was, or the worth of the junk in the trunk once he dumped it, but once I tracked him down, I made sure to tell him who I was, what I was capable of, and how much he owed me. And since he's been paying me back, he's also shown me what he's capable of. Wow. I just drew a whole goddamn map in chalk while we've been standing here squawking. That's pretty fucking impressive, right? Shop, let's talk it. Baby, you with us?
Baby Driver
Tell me about tonight, Buddy. Tonight, Darling, we will have post-heist revelry at Bacchanalia. Why, that is the finest winin' and dinin' of all the wines and dines in town. Ah, that's us. Bye. Well, sir, expect the lady and myself to darken your door once the nose bag is empty. And, Baby, you did good, kid. Do me a favor. Next time Doc calls, don't pick up. Don't listen to him.
Baby Driver
What are you doing? Hitting the road. Listening to music.
Baby Driver
No. ♪ Easy ♪ I'm easy like Sunday morning ♪ I wanna be high ♪ So high ♪ I wanna be free to know the things I do are right Hands behind your back! ♪ I wanna be free ♪
Baby Driver
♪ Was... Was he slow? ♪ No... N-no ♪ Was he slow? ♪ De... Devil behind the wheel ♪ Was he slow? ♪ No... N-N-No ♪ Good... Good kid and a devil-devil-devil behind the wheel ♪ Was he slow? ♪ ♪ Temperature goes sky-high ♪ You know I really don't want to help it ♪ B-A-B-Y, baby ♪ B-A-B-Y, baby ♪ Whenever the sun don't shine ♪ ♪ B-A-B-Y, baby ♪ So, what can I get you this fine morning?