♪ I be a doll, be a baby doll ♪ It can't be fun, not anyway ♪ It can't be found No way at all ♪ A distant man can't sympathize ♪ He can't uphold his distant laws ♪ Due to form on that today... ♪ Go!
Baby Driver
Bank robbers. Whatever. It's got to be ready for an 8:30 start in the a.m. Questions?
Baby Driver
You have a name, don't you? Samm. Well, Samm, I got a mint with your name on it. You have a mint that says "Samm"? Aw. Sweet. Are you here tomorrow? Sure am. Working 9:00 to 5:00, just like Dolly.
Baby Driver
Spread to the edges!
Baby Driver
No. Stop the car!
Baby Driver
I only hear three voices, and the last time I checked, there's four in a car. Baby? Your call. Time to make a big-boy decision. Do we do this thing or not? He's outvoted. We doing it. Let him speak.
Baby Driver
Yeah, she sure is. Hmm. Bye.
Baby Driver
I need four pairs of eyes and three sets of ears. Gather round.
Baby Driver
Maybe. Maybe? So, when was the last time you hit the road just for fun? Yesterday. Oh, then I'm jealous. Sometimes all I want to do is head west on 20 in a car I can't afford with a plan I don't have. Just me, my music and the road. I'd like that, too.
Baby Driver
That's it? Sure is. You're all paid up. Cause for celebration.
Baby Driver
Hey! Whoa! What? The driver of the car has escaped on foot. So Laura said...
Baby Driver
I'm not your lucky charm anymore.
Baby Driver
Uh, I could find Debora if you want. Debbie! For crying out loud.
Baby Driver
No. Okay. Let's bounce.
Baby Driver
Stop, or we'll shoot!
Baby Driver
What does she do now?
Baby Driver
Jesus Christ. What, did you steal all this? You said you wanted some gum. Fuck I'm supposed to do, pay for it? Let's go.
Baby Driver
What's he listening to? How the fuck I know? Let me check.