"Bananas" is a code word. Whenever a deal is done with one of my clients, they call me on the phone and they say the word "bananas," and then they hang up.
Baby Driver
T.Rex? Uh, yeah. I've heard of them, but don't know that one. How's it go?
Baby Driver
Will be all paid up.
Baby Driver
♪ Holy calamity, scream insanity ♪ All you ever gonna be's another great fan of me ♪ Break ♪ Bear witness ♪ Bear witness, bear witness ♪
Baby Driver
Man up! It's a tough business.
Baby Driver
Baby Driver
You heard me.
Baby Driver
Where is that cash from? Work.
Baby Driver
Bananas. Run.
Baby Driver
Well, what can I get you to eat?
Baby Driver
♪ Don't need no phone at all ♪ We've got a thing ♪ That's called radar love ♪ We've got a wave in the air ♪ I'm sorry, ma'am.
Baby Driver
I love...
Baby Driver
Go home, job's off. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. No. What the fuck? We are 24 hours from being descended upon by this entire city. Those pigs are in hog heaven. The only way they can ID us is with a Ouija board or some shit. Well, your name only takes four letters to spell out. Doc, Bats ain't my real fucking name.
Baby Driver
'Cause we got to discuss this.
Baby Driver
This your boy, right? This the one you say listens to the music all the time? The driver's supposed to be the eyes and the ears, not just the eyes. Why does he listen to music all the time, Doc? - He's got mental problems? - No, no, no, no. I'm the one got the mental problems in the crew. Position taken. He's got tinnitus. Tinna-what? He had an accident when he was a kid. He's still got a hum in the drum. Plays music to drown it out.
Baby Driver
Is she a good girl? You love her? Yes, I do. ♪ I swear you got it... That's too bad. ♪ Keep on, keep on Whatever, whatever ♪ Girl ♪ I'll do ♪ Forever and ever, yeah, yeah, yeah... ♪ Considered armed and dangerous. Got a bathroom key?
Baby Driver
Well, that was some pretty fine winin' and dinin'. Must have friends in high places to get a table there. Oh, I don't know about that.
Baby Driver
What the fuck is your problem? Hmm? ♪ My love is strong for you ♪ I'd do wrong for you...