Did you get all that, Baby? Yeah. Okay, one more thing. We need some fresh hardware, not traceable to us or any previous jobs. Now, I've got some contacts who can get us some clean firepower, so the pickup is tonight. But after the pickup, you come straight back here. You all have an early start in the morning, and there's eyes everywhere. So, you're staying the night here.
Baby Driver
♪ When something is wrong ♪ With my baby ♪ Something is wrong with me... ♪
Baby Driver
- Here you are, madam. - Thank you very much.
Baby Driver
I said stop. I'm hungry.
Baby Driver
Oh, don't worry about him. He's good. He ain't going nowhere. Why don't you play us something, Baby?
Baby Driver
Baby Driver
You ever shot a gun before, homie?
Baby Driver
Your buddy's here.
Baby Driver
Fuck! Fuck! Come on, come on, give me your hand! Come on! Come on! What did you do, Baby? What the fuck did you do? I moved. You moved. I'll fucking kill you! Jason!
Baby Driver
What's his deal? Baby? Full cut, same as everyone. No, Doc, I mean is he, uh, retarded?
Baby Driver
Please look after me. Thank you.
Baby Driver
You make me miss that shot?
Baby Driver
Third. Those stairs must be a real bitch for Joe, huh?
Baby Driver
What floor are you on?
Baby Driver
You said you didn't know that bitch. Why would you say you didn't know her? Have you been talking to Debora about us? I don't say nothing. What about Wheels? He can't say nothing. Yeah, but he can read motherfucking lips, though, can't he? Take this fool back to his shithole. I'll find another driver for tomorrow. Doc, I'm available. I can take him where he needs to go, get him home safe. No, you're not getting a new driver. I've been on every job since we met. I don't squeal to the cops, I squeal on the road. And I'm not slow, I'm fast.
Baby Driver
Am I in? No, don't answer my question with another question. You give me one of two replies. Yes or no.
Baby Driver
It's Debbie. Debora. Oh, like the song. The Beck one? Yeah. Well, except I'm D-E-B-O-R-A, and I think that's just D-E-B-R-A. I don't know that one. Oh, it goes, um...
Baby Driver
His name, Malik Kelly, a local veteran. You saw what these folks were doing. You took action. Why? I'm done. I saw these guys go marching in the bank with Halloween masks, weapons drawn. They were attacking... Is this the place?