Well, uh, play it for me sometime I don't have to get out of here.
Baby Driver
You're back. I sure am. Well, then, you, sir, are gonna be my very last customer, because I am walking out that door in precisely 30 seconds. You're leaving? Yes, sir. Can I come with you? You don't have work or nothing?
Baby Driver
Please, leave him alone!
Baby Driver
Is that true? Is that why you have music in your head all the time? Drown out the noise? Yeah. It keeps me moving. It's an escape. I get it. Hey, Buddy, you seen a violin? I had a violin here. Shut up.
Baby Driver
So, am I gonna see you tonight?
Baby Driver
Baby Driver
I loved her. ♪ Right on ♪ Keep on doing it... What about Debora, Baby? Is she...
Baby Driver
Come on, you're going in with us. We might not be leaving in this.
Baby Driver
Will you come back?
Baby Driver
For God's sakes, Griff, leave the kid alone. You can't just be in crime, right? Not without being a little criminal. I just want to find out what's going on between those ears, aside, of course, from, uh...
Baby Driver
Oh, fuck.
Baby Driver
Move! ♪ Jenny, will you stay? Tarry with me pray ♪ Nothing 'ere need come between us ♪ Tell me, love, what do you say? ♪ Oh, no, I must away to my mum in disarray ♪ If my mother should discover how I spent my holiday ♪ It would be of small avail to talk of magic in the air ♪
Baby Driver
Did you get all that, Baby? Yeah. Okay, one more thing. We need some fresh hardware, not traceable to us or any previous jobs. Now, I've got some contacts who can get us some clean firepower, so the pickup is tonight. But after the pickup, you come straight back here. You all have an early start in the morning, and there's eyes everywhere. So, you're staying the night here.
Baby Driver
♪ When something is wrong ♪ With my baby ♪ Something is wrong with me... ♪