Yeah, we out! Let's go! - Let's move! - I got this. Come on! Let's go!
Baby Driver
I got this.
Baby Driver
Hey, Baby. You know, it's funny. Even though I heard it so many times in the court case, I still can't get used to the fact that your real name is Miles. It's a cool name, though. I can think of a lot of great Miles songs. But we still have to get through all those Baby songs first. I can't wait until the day when it's just us, music and the road. See you later, Baby. All my love, Debora.
Baby Driver
If you're just in this for the buzz, if driving is just some kind of escape for you, then go. What y'all doing in here? Huh? Just making sure everything's ready for tomorrow. Oh, yeah. Well, uh, look like he's going somewhere at 2:00 in the morning.
Baby Driver
♪ Ah ♪ Oh, baby... ♪
Baby Driver
It's my business to know everything. So, are they a bitch? There's an elevator.
Baby Driver
I know you guys got noses to feed. What, yeah, like you're Mr. Clean. I'm Mr. Whatever the Fuck I Wanna Be.
Baby Driver
They got our money. They got our mama's jewels.
Baby Driver
I was in love once.
Baby Driver
Chip's off the old block.
Baby Driver
Get an EMT here now!
Baby Driver
Thank you. ♪ For someone just like you ♪ To make me feel the way you do ♪ Never, never gonna give you up ♪ I'm never, ever gonna stop ♪ Not the way I feel about you ♪ Girl, I just can't live without you ♪ I'm never, ever gonna quit ♪ Quitting just ain't my stick ♪ I'm gonna stay right here with you... ♪
Baby Driver
You see JD over there? Now, JD's a idiot. But you a bright boy, though. So I got a question for you.