I'm worried about Malenkov, though. Can we trust him? Can you ever trust a weak man?
The Death of Stalin
Yes, well, I want you to bring him back.
The Death of Stalin
- Oh, Jesus! - Fuck my boots! Oh, my God. I'm sorry, boss. I wish I could take it for you. Thick skull, you know. It's an incredibly strong, hard skull. Shut up. We need to think about the Presidium. Yes, succession. We need to...
The Death of Stalin
It was between "peace" and "sausages".
The Death of Stalin
Long live Stalin!
The Death of Stalin
A quarter turn.
The Death of Stalin
Right, what do you think?
The Death of Stalin
He'll get the blame. Clever, eh, Nicky? Yes, Beria is the murderer here. This is how the Soviet Union was built. Not with bishops. Today Beria gets an eight-foot crucifix up his arse. - Good. - I've... I've had nightmares that made more sense than this. - Now we have a majority. - Yes, you do. - You two, me and Bulganin. - Mikoyan and Malenkov.
The Death of Stalin
- Um, sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have... - Oh, come on. No, no. You both called the blameless Polina Molotova a traitor and a parasite in her own apartment. I heard you. She was guilty. You found her guilty. And Stalin agreed. Nobody doubted. Nobody doubted. Past tense, you see. In the good old days you pine for, that sort of dissonance would have had you both shot. Both of you. Oh, this is just fucking wordplay. Oh, is it?
The Death of Stalin
And you're gonna like some of them, Nicky.
The Death of Stalin
Greetings, by the way.
The Death of Stalin
- No. - Maybe not.
The Death of Stalin
Please, understand that this is not some cynical ploy. I mean, these reforms are correct reforms. Totally understood.